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Alcatraz Island

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Medicare is the closest thing to the NHS but with several differences also. It's for those 65 years and older. The government take 96 dollars a month from the social security check and pay it directly into the health maintenance organisation you belong to.

There are co-payments to be made for doctor's visits, prescriptions and hospital stays but they are easily affordable.

If I need a doctor's visit I would pay 5 dollars, a prescription for a generic medication would cost me 9 dollars and a hospital stay if it was less than 9 days would be 125 dollars a day from my pocket. Any medications or necessaryr surgery would be included in that. After 9 days there wpuld be no charge to me if I needed to stay longer.


Without the Mediacre program patients would be paying thousands out of their own pockets for everyhting from doctor visitis to hospital treatment. 90 percent of seniors would be walking around the streets broke and homeless


The right wing Republicans hate the program. They say it's a sure sign of "creeping European style Socialism" :hihi:


You just have to laugh !

I think Ron Paul would cut what america are spending on war, Obamas huge spending has come from this hasent it?...America are in countless wars they don't even need to be in.

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The place where the prisoners ate still has the menu posted on the board. The tour also includes the cells where Robert Stroud, the Bird Man and Al Capone were kept.

Capone was far from the big shot he had once been during his time on The Rock. His daily job consisted of mopping the floors. Syphilis had already started to attack his brain and he was released to spend the short rest of his life in Florida.


You can also go inside the isolation cells reserved for the trouble makers. It's pitch black inside with nothing in the cell except a mattess and a bucket

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What food did they serve up? Was there any inmates favourites?


From what I remember it was pretty plain ordinary stuff but decent enough.


The main hallway between the cells on the ground floor was nicknamed "Broadway"


The exercise yard was cold with a strong wind blowing across the bay. That was in August.


It must have seemed like a place at the end the world when those fogs drifted in from the ocean in the evenings


The gun towers are still there. Any vessel approaching too near the island was warned off by the armed guards in those towers

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They were getting ready to close Alcatraz around about that time anyway as the walls were crumbling. It was an old structure that had been originally built as an army fort and by the 1950s had become functionally obsolete.


After it was closed a band of California Indians took up residence in a symbolic gesture of reclaiming the island. Later it became a hangout for the Hippies and part of the prison was damaged in a fire.


It's a pretty miserable place even on a sunny summer day. It must have been mental torture for those prisoners looking out across the bay at the skyline of San Francisoco and imagining all the fun and freedom they were missing

Did some Indians squat it at one time saying it was some ancestral place or something.

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