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Alcatraz Island

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Another short but informative documentary here...




The Anglin's where apparently from the Florida swamps and were expert swimmers and knew how to negotiate currents what ever that means and they knew how to build rafts as well.


I've read through all of this thread, but admit havn't watched all the links. My personal opinion would be that the 'authorities' had a vested interest in perpetuating the reputation that 'nobody had ever escaped alive'. Whether they did or they didn't escape, we'll never know (not for sure). But what seems certain, is that in the abscence of actually finding them, it would have been policy to assume they had drowned to perpetuate the reputation of 'the rock'.


Also, some on here have said it would have been difficult to escape (yes that's VERY true), but had they escaped, in that day and age, I think it would have been relatively easy to simply disappear and assume other identities. Look at some of the Nazi criminals. Some they still havn't found!

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Another short but informative documentary here...




The Anglin's where apparently from the Florida swamps and were expert swimmers and knew how to negotiate currents what ever that means and they knew how to build rafts as well.

Yes just watched it, interesting but I think their just looking at other possible scenarios that could have happened. With the phone call one of the brothers supposed to have been made, well in my opinion I don't think it was him, I don't think he would give his identity away plus it would mean he was in fit state to actually use the phone, did he actually have any money on him to make the call in the first place?.. Even if they were expert swimmers ,i think without a swimsuit they wouldn't have lasted long and there is evidence the raft failed too. I don't even think the raft lasted 30 seconds, but one guy has managed to swim it but the conditions were alittle different but still he couldn't move when he had reached land and so was caught.


Someone mentioned mythbusters doing it but I just looked not long back and the shows studio is actually based at SF, so I reckon that's why they deemed it plausible, ya know they would want to try and keep it alive

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Another short but informative documentary here...




The Anglin's where apparently from the Florida swamps and were expert swimmers and knew how to negotiate currents what ever that means and they knew how to build rafts as well.

Not sure there's a lot of wood around there from my experience, so building a raft might be a problem.
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But it got attention didn't it, that's what its all about , I bet my man Clint could swim from Alcatraz :hihi: And with one hand tied behind his back


Poor old Clint. That's what happens when you hang around Mitt too long. You end up talking to bits of furniture :hihi:

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Yes sorry I dint realise your from USA too..but with harleymans experience, he would know
Poppins will vote for Paul Ryan, I'm sure, and his running mate Mitt Romney, who nobody likes including the whole Republican Party.:hihi:
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On my last time in the Bay Area, there seemed to be a ton of illegals in the place, aa lot of them Brits and Irish who had worked legally in the Silicon Valley till the jobs fell through, then hid away sooner than go home. If it had been like that then anybody who had what it took would have been able to be hidden easily. But that water is incredibly cold a lot of the time. I don't think the authorities worried too much about trying to find anyone, believing that they died.


They were getting ready to close Alcatraz around about that time anyway as the walls were crumbling. It was an old structure that had been originally built as an army fort and by the 1950s had become functionally obsolete.


After it was closed a band of California Indians took up residence in a symbolic gesture of reclaiming the island. Later it became a hangout for the Hippies and part of the prison was damaged in a fire.


It's a pretty miserable place even on a sunny summer day. It must have been mental torture for those prisoners looking out across the bay at the skyline of San Francisoco and imagining all the fun and freedom they were missing

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Yes I agree but I was on about those that swim a certain distance on that escape from alcatraz event they hold every year, that will be probably best time you can go in and probably only so far out but yes it's totally different at night out there with the cold and fast currents


Not to mention the possible chance of an encounter with a shark or two

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