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Yes sorry I dint realise your from USA too..but with harleymans experience, he would know
Poppins will vote for Paul Ryan, I'm sure, and his running mate Mitt Romney, who nobody likes including the whole Republican Party.:hihi: That's one sure GOP vote in Connecticut, I wonder who'll make the other one.
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Poppins will vote for Paul Ryan, I'm sure, and his running mate Mitt Romney, who nobody likes including the whole Republican Party.:hihi: That's one sure GOP vote in Connecticut, I wonder who'll make the other one.

Yes if I was American then Ron Paul would get my vote but it seems he has ruled himself out, though I agree with his policy of cuts but the americans seem to just wanna spend and so they won't allow a man in who wants to tighten the purse, that's probably why he lacks on votes.

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Yes if I was American then Ron Paul would get my vote but it seems he has ruled himself out, though I agree with his policy of cuts but the americans seem to just wanna spend and so they won't allow a man in who wants to tighten the purse, that's probably why he lacks on votes.


Some of Ron Pauls projected cuts would have extended to Social Security and Medicare. He was once on record as saying that the "old system of the sick going to the church for treatment" worked perfecty well :hihi:


Would you vote for any politician in the UK who advocated doing away with the NHS?

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Poppins will vote for Paul Ryan, I'm sure, and his running mate Mitt Romney, who nobody likes including the whole Republican Party.:hihi: That's one sure GOP vote in Connecticut, I wonder who'll make the other one.


If Romney loses to Obama this time around it's a dead cert that Ryan will be nominated as the GOP Presidential candidiaet in 2016.


Let's hope Hillary decides to run for the Dems :thumbsup:

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Some of Ron Pauls projected cuts would have extended to Social Security and Medicare. He was once on record as saying that the "old system of the sick going to the church for treatment" worked perfecty well :hihi:


Would you vote for any politician in the UK who advocated doing away with the NHS?

But there isn't no NHS in America is they? People have to pay for treatment at the moment don't they, but on Ron Paul his policy on tightening the purse makes sense, since Obama come to power the deficit has tripled from what it was under bush.

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But there isn't no NHS in America is they? People have to pay for treatment at the moment don't they, but on Ron Paul his policy on tightening the purse makes sense, since Obama come to power the deficit has tripled from what it was under bush.


Medicare is the closest thing to the NHS but with several differences also. It's for those 65 years and older. The government take 96 dollars a month from the social security check and pay it directly into the health maintenance organisation you belong to.

There are co-payments to be made for doctor's visits, prescriptions and hospital stays but they are easily affordable.

If I need a doctor's visit I would pay 5 dollars, a prescription for a generic medication would cost me 9 dollars and a hospital stay if it was less than 9 days would be 125 dollars a day from my pocket. Any medications or necessaryr surgery would be included in that. After 9 days there wpuld be no charge to me if I needed to stay longer.


Without the Mediacre program patients would be paying thousands out of their own pockets for everyhting from doctor visitis to hospital treatment. 90 percent of seniors would be walking around the streets broke and homeless


The right wing Republicans hate the program. They say it's a sure sign of "creeping European style Socialism" :hihi:


You just have to laugh !

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