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What the tories really believe

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No it doesn't, increased spending in the public sector can only increase the deficit as seen over the last decade.

The government could increase tax revenues tomorrow and make the economy grow just by employing 1 million extra people in the public sector, but the extra tax revenues and growth wouldn’t be very desirable because the growth would also increase the countries deficit and debts and mean more money has to be spent on interest to service these debts.


That's pure rubbish and you know it is and I don't need to explain to you why. Even if I did you'd refuse to accept it point blank so there's no point, but hey oh, it's not like you to hammer people is it?

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60 billion under management in the city of London, Industrial production up over 3% unemployment falling. Jobs for anyone who REALLY wants one. deficit falling.


Still a long way to go but, as usual after Labour mismanagement, Dave, George and the lads are steering us back to the broad uplands of growth and prosperity.

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