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What the tories really believe

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I have come to the conclusion at the age of 62 that ALL the MP's of every colour are self serving first - and foremost, we the masses come well down their list of things to do.




I worked that at at the age of 10 but which are the lesser of two evils?

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Sweden is 1.5 times the size of the UK with a population of only 9,000,000; their per capita GDP is 56,956 compared to ours which is 38,592. Their immigration policy is significantly tighter than ours and their unemployment rate is lower.


Norway 1.3 times the size of the UK with a population of only 5,500,000; their per capita GDP is 97,255 compared to ours which is 38,592. Their immigration policy is significantly tighter than ours and their unemployment rate is 3.1% compared to our 8%.

Both good example of what can be achieved when you don’t over populates your country, and the population works hard.

Unfortunately we are over populated with workshy people so can’t really be compared to Sweden or Norway.


Check your facts regarding immigration to Sweden and Norway. You may get a surprise. I know that immigration is a cornerstone of nearly every argument you make re: UK domestic and economic policy so you need to have your facts correct before playing that card.


The city of Malmo in Sweden is 25% Muslim. Norway has 650,000 immigrants, almost 15% of the population.


Mixing socialist and capitalist policies is a given in advanced western economies. Britian doesn't need to stop mixing the two. It just needs to do it better, more efficiently and more effectively.

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Why is it that people who complain about job security being destroyed by the present governent cannot see that all the regulation such as the working time directive, paternativaty leave, pensions etc etc all make the Uk a far more unattractive place to do business.


It's obvious that any company would look to move to a country that was more business friendly. I run a small family business that carries out work for local governent the NHS etc the cuts have had a massive effect on my business. I have gone from 5 people down to 2 if I had t pay someone on paternity leave that probably would have been the final straw for my business. We as a family have had to take a dramatic cut in our salaries to survive, why should people who work for the public sector still expect that their privileged life's should not be impacted by the current situation. Why are employees of local government

Etc expected to receive large redundancy payments, surely when they enter a contract of employment,they are expected to carry out their tasks for an agreed amount of money over an agreed amount of hours etc. Why when that job is no longer there or is unsustainable or unaffordable are they expected to receive a large redundancy payment. I know of two of my customers who cannot wait to be made redundant.

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Why is it that people who complain about job security being destroyed by the present governent cannot see that all the regulation such as the working time directive, paternativaty leave, pensions etc etc all make the Uk a far more unattractive place to do business.


It's obvious that any company would look to move to a country that was more business friendly. I run a small family business that carries out work for local governent the NHS etc the cuts have had a massive effect on my business. I have gone from 5 people down to 2 if I had t pay someone on paternity leave that probably would have been the final straw for my business. We as a family have had to take a dramatic cut in our salaries to survive, why should people who work for the public sector still expect that their privileged life's should not be impacted by the current situation. Why are employees of local government

Etc expected to receive large redundancy payments, surely when they enter a contract of employment,they are expected to carry out their tasks for an agreed amount of money over an agreed amount of hours etc. Why when that job is no longer there or is unsustainable or unaffordable are they expected to receive a large redundancy payment. I know of two of my customers who cannot wait to be made redundant.




What were your previous names?:)

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Why is it that people who complain about job security being destroyed by the present governent cannot see that all the regulation such as the working time directive, paternativaty leave, pensions etc etc all make the Uk a far more unattractive place to do business.


It's obvious that any company would look to move to a country that was more business friendly. I run a small family business that carries out work for local governent the NHS etc the cuts have had a massive effect on my business. I have gone from 5 people down to 2 if I had t pay someone on paternity leave that probably would have been the final straw for my business. We as a family have had to take a dramatic cut in our salaries to survive, why should people who work for the public sector still expect that their privileged life's should not be impacted by the current situation. Why are employees of local government

Etc expected to receive large redundancy payments, surely when they enter a contract of employment,they are expected to carry out their tasks for an agreed amount of money over an agreed amount of hours etc. Why when that job is no longer there or is unsustainable or unaffordable are they expected to receive a large redundancy payment. I know of two of my customers who cannot wait to be made redundant.


If you don't like it go to China.

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