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Whats on in town for clubs on a sun?


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planning to get out on sat but may have to go somewhere in day meaning it wont happen so considerin either goin straight out after my exam on mon or getting everyone out on sun instead. (Fridays out as some ppl arent back yet)


Ive never bin out round town on a sun, not late anyways so dont know whats on in terms of clubbin other than 'sunday sessions' at Kingdom but im not expectin that to be great and it fins by 1am. Is there owt else good on a sun or should i wait til mon and attempt to talk ppl into crasher??? Just want somewhere with good tunes, atmosphere and a dancefloor, am open to pretty much anything in terms of music altho not so much live bands - or any place u gotta step over broken bottles to get to toilets!


Any suggestions appreciated.


hazel xx

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Yeah Kingdom used to be really good on a Sunday a few years ago. They'd get people up on stage to do daft things like eat dog food, or ladies go in showers in just a t-shirt then vote who was the best! It was such a laugh!


As for clubs on a sunday, there int really owt on, u'd be best just going to the bars in town. Ecclesall Road's a good place to go on a Sunday.



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Originally posted by Robbie_Lovin

they used to be really good in kingdom


Robbie admittin to Kingdom being good - i thought u hated the place?!?!


Thankyou both for replies, i think ill just try drag ppl out on mon or tues instead as it seems a waste of a night to stay in bars (my night jus doesnt seem complete unless i have the chance to thoroughly embarrass myself! :D) You likely to be about robbie?


hazel xx

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