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Blasphemy case against a Christian minor.

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Yes atheism is a religion. Believers in atheism pin their faith on unscientific theories of how all things began. They generally worship their false science. A lot seem to also worship themselves considering themselves as God's. In actual fact though if you are not worshiping the one true God, then you are giving your allegiance to Satan. They also believe in evolution which is nothing more than an unproven , unprovable theory. You really have to envy there faith though, for it takes much more faith to believe in the evolutionary lie than it does to believe in God and His Creation


So there ;)





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Yes ... and no. You don't have to be religious to do good deeds. if you do good deeds, then (IMO) you shouldn't label them with your religion.


"I helped you because you needed help and I wanted to provide that help" is OK. (As far as I'm concerned)


"I helped you because I'm an adherent of such-and-such a sect and we do things like that" is unwarranted advertising (As far as I'm concerned.)


I'm not an evangelist. - My religion is a matter for me, my family and those who I think have a need to know or a genuine interest.


Any good works I may do I do because I think I should. -


And if and when I think about giving money to charity, or just helping somebody, I don't think "I'm doing this because my religion says I should", I think "I'm doing this because I want to."


You don't have to be religious to be good - or to be evil. There are plenty of 'good works' done in the name of religion, but then again, there are plenty of evil acts which have been done in the name of religion, too.


At first glance at your post,i thought you were giving me a personal lecture,i'll give you the benifit of the doubt.:)

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Is this any clearer. You have expressed an extreme view some would call paranoid. Those who cause you to feel threatened ( who hold extreme views the same as you) sometimes convince themselves and others that the ememy (imagined) is out to kill them. Thats the problem!
You are a Muslim and I claim my £10 prize! Seriously, you're talking utter nonsense! However, let it be said that my freedoms are of the utmost importance to me, as are the freedoms of my family and friends. These are freedoms that have been fought for and won over many centuries, and are priceless, such as the freedom of thought, of expression, of speech, and freedom to vote for a secular government etc. These are freedoms that many have paid with their lives for, and out of respect for them and for myself, my family and friends, I would willingly, and without hesitation, use whatever means are necessary to preserve those freedoms, because in my opinion, life without those freedoms would not be worth living, so if that makes me an extremist, fine.


It is worthy of note that the freedoms that I claim for myself are very, very different from the freedoms claimed by others, such as the freedom to ram their religion down my throat or to kill me if I refuse to swallow it!


Do you really think that you can crush my argument by accusing me of paranoia? :hihi: The Koran was translated in English, so we all know what it says now, and we all know that there are plenty who take it literally. You can't get away with that claptrap!

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My Bold=

I don't agree with what happened to the Christian minor or the Libyan Ambassador, I am a muslim myself and even muslim friends I know agree that this type of behaviour is wrong.

I have now condemed these acts in post on this thread but it still won't make a blind bit of difference really to people of the same views as yourself regarding muslims.

As a muslim I'm now sick of all the anti-muslim sentiment nowadays, not only on this forum but on the streets aswell like the prick in the silver ford car with his mrs and kid in who after nearly scraping me at the moonshine roundabout called me a **** ******* and drove off.

He wasn't so hard when I caught him up at the Leppings lane roundabout stuck in traffic, Having a kid in the car saved his ass.

Due to this incident do you think I should view all white none muslims as racist nobs in the same way you view some muslims as being representative of the majority?

You sound like a very violent person. You've effectively owned up to having the intention of assaulting this man for upsetting you. Clearly, from what you have said, if he didn't have a child in the car, you'd have assaulted him! Nice! :gag: I prefer leave matters like that to the Police.
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Don't take this personally mafya, but Islam is the fastest growing religion in the UK. People see what is happening where Muslims are the majority, and it isn't a pretty sight. People maybe scared they are looking at our own future.
Sums it up very nicely.
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Yes atheism is a religion. Believers in atheism pin their faith on unscientific theories of how all things began. They generally worship their false science. A lot seem to also worship themselves considering themselves as God's. In actual fact though if you are not worshiping the one true God, then you are giving your allegiance to Satan. They also believe in evolution which is nothing more than an unproven , unprovable theory. You really have to envy there faith though, for it takes much more faith to believe in the evolutionary lie than it does to believe in God and His Creation


So there ;)

Here, try this: http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/en/CheckSymptoms/Topics/MentalHealth
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You are a Muslim and I claim my £10 prize! Seriously, you're talking utter nonsense! However, let it be said that my freedoms are of the utmost importance to me, as are the freedoms of my family and friends. These are freedoms that have been fought for and won over many centuries, and are priceless, such as the freedom of thought, of expression, of speech, and freedom to vote for a secular government etc. These are freedoms that many have paid with their lives for, and out of respect for them and for myself, my family and friends, I would willingly, and without hesitation, use whatever means are necessary to preserve those freedoms, because in my opinion, life without those freedoms would not be worth living, so if that makes me an extremist, fine.


It is worthy of note that the freedoms that I claim for myself are very, very different from the freedoms claimed by others, such as the freedom to ram their religion down my throat or to kill me if I refuse to swallow it!


Do you really think that you can crush my argument by accusing me of paranoia? :hihi: The Koran was translated in English, so we all know what it says now, and we all know that there are plenty who take it literally. You can't get away with that claptrap!

I am rendered utterly speechless.

:o................... :roll:

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It is demonstrably true!


You are quite categorically wrong.


Muslims speaking out against the killing of the US ambassador here - http://centralasiaonline.com/en_GB/articles/caii/features/main/2012/09/13/feature-01


and literally dozens of references here to scholars, political figures,organisations, clerics, writers and bloggers from around the world condemning the killings and violence here - http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/muslims-and-muslim-organizations-condemn-attacks-on-u.s.-embassies/0019348

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