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Blasphemy case against a Christian minor.

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The media don't help though, they made a big deal out of the cartoon drawing of mohammad, making out most Muslims were angry and wanted revenge when in reality it was about 200 people demonstrating violently with burning cars and shouting obscene words at the cameras, 200 people shouldn't reflect all the Muslim population, it was 200 kids, the same kind of thing we get here...
I think you're downplaying it somewhat.
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That's an unsupportable opinion. The fundamental problem is the Koran, because even if all Muslims died right now, someone (there's always someone) would pick up a Koran and read it, and then all the problems would start all over again.


It's not a unsupportable opinion, every Muslim reads the qur'an, yet they is an hell of alot more peaceful muslims than extremists..what they need is a brave leader to have better ideas and update the qur'an or alter the versus that get twisted

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I think what happened was certain people got caught up in the hype of having their first black president but unfortunately obama was'ent their right first black president.


In my opinion he will go down as one of the worst presidents in America's history....sorry wrong post..oops

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Wrong. Atheists do not believe in ANY god.

I know what atheists don't believe in, they keep telling me.



I don't care about what anyone does or doesn't believe in, as long as they are not narrow minded bigots, and are not doing anybody any harm.

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That's an unsupportable opinion. The fundamental problem is the Koran, because even if all Muslims died right now, someone (there's always someone) would pick up a Koran and read it, and then all the problems would start all over again.


The problem is how some interpret the Qur'aan.

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The blasphemy case against a Christian minor, Rimsha, took a new turn after the testimony of a witness saying the evidence against her had been planted.


Hafiz Zubair told a judicial magistrate on Friday that he saw Khalid Jadoon, the cleric behind the case, adding pages of the Quran into the ashes seized from Rimsha.


“I tried to stop the cleric from doing that but he refused to listen to me,” a police source told The Express Tribune quoting the witness, who was in aitkaf in the very mosque near Mehrabadia, a slum in the periphery of sector G-11 where Rimsha was living. Aitkaf is a religious ritual requiring the person to stay and pray at the mosque during the last 10 days of Ramazan.


The ashes were brought to the cleric by a young man named Hammad, who told the prayer leader that the Christian girl had burnt pages of the Quran; however, no such pages were visible in the ashes. After a talk with the boy, the cleric put some pages of Quran into the ashes in order to falsely implicate Rimsha, Zubair told the magistrate.


Zubair confirmed to The Express Tribune on phone that he had given the statement. However, he refused to give further details, before switching his phone off.


A senior police official formerly associated with the case investigations said based on the testimony, the police could register a case against the cleric or at least take him into custody. However, there were no reports of the arrest of the cleric on whose insistence and pressure the Ramna police had registered the blasphemy case against the Christian girl. No senior police officials, including SSP (Operations), were immediately reachable for a comment.


Hearing put off till Monday


Meanwhile the court of Additional Session Judge Muhammad Azam Khan on Saturday adjourned the hearing of the case till Monday after her parents requested the court to allow them to change her lawyer.


Rimsha’s mother, Irshad Bibi, requested the bench to allow Tahir Naveed to defend her daughter in place of Anjum Riaz, her existing lawyer. She told the court that they had no association with Riaz, who has acted dubiously during the case.


Also, Rao Abdur Rahim, the lawyer representing the complainant, objected to the fact that neither Rimsha nor her mother had signed the bail application submitted to the court or given the power of attorney to their lawyer.


Justice Khan directed the police to verify the power of attorney and adjourned hearing till Monday.


Talking to the media after the court proceeding, Naveed, Rimsha’s counsel, alleged that the complainant is employing delaying tactics. “The medical report has declared her mentally impaired and determined her age between 13 to14, so how can she commit blasphemy?’’


The complainant has challenged the validity of the medical report.


Earlier on Friday, the court had extended the girl’s judicial remand for two weeks. The girl, a Christian and said to be suffering from Down’s Syndrome, has been held since August 16 under the country’s strict blasphemy laws, evoking a strong reaction from rights groups.




If your own clerics are happy to lie so as an innocent mentally disabled girl gets thrown in prison how can people trust this religion.

Any country that still has "blasphemy laws" doesn't deserve to participate in the 21st century.


Who gave you the right to decide who deserves to participate in the 21st century and which laws are implemented in other countries? Countries like Pakistan need to get rid of the corrupt leaders who slavishly serve western interests for the money instead of serving their own population.


Before you point the fingers at other countries let's not forget cases of

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The blasphemy case against a Christian minor, Rimsha, took a new turn after the testimony of a witness saying the evidence against her had been planted.


Hafiz Zubair told a judicial magistrate on Friday that he saw Khalid Jadoon, the cleric behind the case, adding pages of the Quran into the ashes seized from Rimsha.


“I tried to stop the cleric from doing that but he refused to listen to me,” a police source told The Express Tribune quoting the witness, who was in aitkaf in the very mosque near Mehrabadia, a slum in the periphery of sector G-11 where Rimsha was living. Aitkaf is a religious ritual requiring the person to stay and pray at the mosque during the last 10 days of Ramazan.


The ashes were brought to the cleric by a young man named Hammad, who told the prayer leader that the Christian girl had burnt pages of the Quran; however, no such pages were visible in the ashes. After a talk with the boy, the cleric put some pages of Quran into the ashes in order to falsely implicate Rimsha, Zubair told the magistrate.


Zubair confirmed to The Express Tribune on phone that he had given the statement. However, he refused to give further details, before switching his phone off.


A senior police official formerly associated with the case investigations said based on the testimony, the police could register a case against the cleric or at least take him into custody. However, there were no reports of the arrest of the cleric on whose insistence and pressure the Ramna police had registered the blasphemy case against the Christian girl. No senior police officials, including SSP (Operations), were immediately reachable for a comment.


Hearing put off till Monday


Meanwhile the court of Additional Session Judge Muhammad Azam Khan on Saturday adjourned the hearing of the case till Monday after her parents requested the court to allow them to change her lawyer.


Rimsha’s mother, Irshad Bibi, requested the bench to allow Tahir Naveed to defend her daughter in place of Anjum Riaz, her existing lawyer. She told the court that they had no association with Riaz, who has acted dubiously during the case.


Also, Rao Abdur Rahim, the lawyer representing the complainant, objected to the fact that neither Rimsha nor her mother had signed the bail application submitted to the court or given the power of attorney to their lawyer.


Justice Khan directed the police to verify the power of attorney and adjourned hearing till Monday.


Talking to the media after the court proceeding, Naveed, Rimsha’s counsel, alleged that the complainant is employing delaying tactics. “The medical report has declared her mentally impaired and determined her age between 13 to14, so how can she commit blasphemy?’’


The complainant has challenged the validity of the medical report.


Earlier on Friday, the court had extended the girl’s judicial remand for two weeks. The girl, a Christian and said to be suffering from Down’s Syndrome, has been held since August 16 under the country’s strict blasphemy laws, evoking a strong reaction from rights groups.




If your own clerics are happy to lie so as an innocent mentally disabled girl gets thrown in prison how can people trust this religion.

Any country that still has "blasphemy laws" doesn't deserve to participate in the 21st century.


Who gave you the right to decide which countries participate in the 21st century and whcih laws they should have. Why do you think you have the right?


Maybe your idea of participating in the 21st century is more along the lines of American and British participation. Bombing invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. Bombing north west Pakistan with Drone strikes and supporting militancy in Libya and Syria while supporting dictatorship in Saudi Arabia Bahrain Yemen and in Egypt before the revolution.


Is this the kind of destructive participation you want to see more of in the 21st century?


What Pakistan really needs to do is kick out these coirrupt politicans who slavishly serve the interests of western powers for the $ and get some real leadership such as Imran Khan who will serve the people of that country.


Before you look at other countries let's not forget people have been shot dead in this country for no other reason than having brown skin and therefore being suspected of being Muslim which was evdience anough to shoot Jean Charles Demenezes several times in the head.


What about Mohammad Abdulkahar and Abul Koyair totally innocent house raided in the middle of night shot in the chest for no reason infront of his mother dragged down the stairs. How many innocent white people with Christian names has this happened to recently?


That's not to say that white people haven't been murdered by the Police Ian Tomlinson is one recent example.


I know people will say sometimes the Police get it wrong and Police in Pakistan and other Muslim countries are much worse maybe you'd like to go and live there and then all the bigotry will start so I've prepared facts.


Fact 1: Only one Police officer has ever been convicted of the murder of a civilian while on duty which was in 1969 and since then more than a thousand people have died at the hands of the Police. No Police officer in the UK has been convicted of manslaughter for a crime committed while on duty since 1986 and since then hundreds have died at the hands of the Police.




Fact 2: A Pakistani Ranger who shot dead an unarmed civilian who stole a mobile phone was sentenced to death and five others to life improsenment.




What is strange about the English riots is every body began focusing on the actions of the rioters and forgot that the trigger for the riots was yet another shooting of an unarmed civilian by the Police.

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That's an unsupportable opinion. The fundamental problem is the Koran, because even if all Muslims died right now, someone (there's always someone) would pick up a Koran and read it, and then all the problems would start all over again.


what problem is that then because the Quran teaches Muslims to observe prayer do good deeds fast and give charity. This message is repeated throughout the Quran.


So Bush read the Quran did he before he embarked on the biggest massacre of the 21st century? Which was against Muslims I might add


Stalin was reading the Quran was he? I suppose Hitler was as well before they embarked on the biggest massacres of the last century.


I suppose the Nulcear attacks on Japan which America had no need to do as the war was already won were also a result of reading the Quran were they?


It's interesting how all the biggest mass murderers of the last century and this century just so happen to be of European in origin and not Muslim.


It's not the Quran causing problems the Quran can solve the problems of the world it's greed and hatred causing the problems.

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