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Stealing Sheep + Special Guests // Tuesday 13th November 2012 // The Harley


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Chuffed to announce we're bringing Stealing Sheep to Sheffield in November!


They're a three-girl piece from Liverpool, appearing in velvet underground formation behind two mounted tom toms with shadowy ‘Moe Tucker esque’ hypnotic boomy beats, intelligent rhythmic patterns, bassy pitch shifting synth and off kilter psychedelic guitars.


In less fertile grounds, the chasm between noise-drenched experimental trip-hop and ephemeral folktronica would be an unwise one to jump, however, in a city that thrives on ripping up the recipe book and creating its own musical flavours this agit-pop band has evolved into one of Liverpool’s most engaging new threesomes – the achingly gorgeous Stealing Sheep.


Think the rustic new country of Neko Case, múm’s scratchy textures and the lo-fi hooks of Micachu’s DIY pop, and you’re getting warm. With their glitchy percussion, gossamer-light harmonies, analogue synths and eclectic, hurdy-gurdy textures, Stealing Sheep may well have found the soundtrack we were all searching for. The dark cold wavers, the shiny shiny and the psychedelic doomy popsters, Stop. Look and Listen.


+ Special Guests TBA


Tickets priced £6.00 adv. available online from The Harley Website, Seetickets and Gigantic. Physical tickets available from The Harley, The Wick at Both Ends, Record Collector (Broomhill), The Old Sweet Shop (Nether Edge) and HMV Sheffield (Fargate).








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