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Disabled benefits claimants face £71 a week fines for breaching work plan

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As the title of the thread says really.




The Guardian has recieved a leaked DWP letter which states that the disabled will lose most of their meagre ESA, if they refuse to take part in work related activities....

Just as David Laws is brought back into government after fraudulently claiming in excess of £40,000 from the taxpayer. And Chris Grayling, Work and Pensions Secretary who claimed many 10s of thousands of pounds at the taxpayers expense for his flat in Pimlico (in spite of him having his family home just 17 miles from the House of Commons, and a few other homes in London too) :rant:

Could we fime MPs / governments for breaching election promises? How would they like to be traeted?

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As the title of the thread says really.




The Guardian has recieved a leaked DWP letter which states that the disabled will lose most of their meagre ESA, if they refuse to take part in work related activities....

Just as David Laws is brought back into government after fraudulently claiming in excess of £40,000 from the taxpayer. And Chris Grayling, Work and Pensions Secretary who claimed many 10s of thousands of pounds at the taxpayers expense for his flat in Pimlico (in spite of him having his family home just 17 miles from the House of Commons, and a few other homes in London too) :rant:

Could we fime MPs / governments for breaching election promises? How would they like to be traeted?




Come on now when did politicians ever play is straight,they want to penalise the poor and live the life of luxury for themselves on the back of the taxpayer.

Don't get me wrong if those on the sick are able to work they should,we also have too many on the scrounge but the example should be set at the top and its not.ALL the political class are as bent as they come,they deserve the contempt of the nation.

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We need a citizens income. Instead of giving the disabled more money we should offer them help (we can do it at lower than cost price if we wish).


Benefits are a price distortion - they manipulate the minimum price of goods. If we allow everyone some PPP - enough for food, reasonable transport and shelter - then we can end poverty. We can then incentivise work, increase production, increase real wealth and we can more effectively target help at those whom need it!

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As the title of the thread says really.




The Guardian has recieved a leaked DWP letter which states that the disabled will lose most of their meagre ESA, if they refuse to take part in work related activities....


Employment and Support Allowance offers you personalised support and financial help, so that you can do appropriate work, if you are able to.


I don't see what the problem is; it should be cut if people refuse to do appropriate work related activities.


Just as JSA should be stopped if people refuse to work.

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I was assesed by the DWP (Atos) for my spinal injury and found to be 55% disabled and unfit for work due to the nature of my injury, yet I was placed on work related ESA ??? I am now told that my ESA will stop in October as I will have been claiming for 365 days and I can not claim JSA or any other means tested benefit as my wife works 35 hours and I am deemed to be fit for work. I receive full DLA mobility and medium rate care allowance yet I am expected to find a job ??? My GP has signed me unfit for work for 12 months, so what is going on here ???

I have signed up for a course at a Disabled friendly college and now the ESA advisor has told me that they will extend my ESA for a further 6 months and pay me £10 per week extra for going to college. Mr Cameron sir you are an ARSE. :rant::rant::rant:

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I was assesed by the DWP (Atos) for my spinal injury and found to be 55% disabled and unfit for work due to the nature of my injury, yet I was placed on work related ESA ??? I am now told that my ESA will stop in October as I will have been claiming for 365 days and I can not claim JSA or any other means tested benefit as my wife works 35 hours and I am deemed to be fit for work. I receive full DLA mobility and medium rate care allowance yet I am expected to find a job ??? My GP has signed me unfit for work for 12 months, so what is going on here ???

I have signed up for a course at a Disabled friendly college and now the ESA advisor has told me that they will extend my ESA for a further 6 months and pay me £10 per week extra for going to college. Mr Cameron sir you are an ARSE. :rant::rant::rant:


Surely you'd prefer to be doing some kind of work that you might be capable of doing even with this disability?


The government has implemented/publicized this all wrong. It should have been promoted as a positive step for getting disabled people into the work place without the fear of discremenation. Instead, disability benefit claiments are made to feel like they are scroungers.


I worked with a midget who had brittle bones, confined between a wheel chair or crutches and was in constant pain. Yet he contributed a lot to our company. Much of his work was office based and the employer made a lot of reasonable adjustments. This man took his retirement 2 years ago, and is now studying History and Sheff Uni in his old age.


Please embrace the opertunity to get back into some kind of employement with the right kind of support. Disabled people should not be made to feel or believe they have nothing more to contribute to the work place.

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Surely you'd prefer to be doing some kind of work that you might be capable of doing even with this disability?


The government has implemented/publicized this all wrong. It should have been promoted as a positive step for getting disabled people into the work place without the fear of discremenation. Instead, disability benefit claiments are made to feel like they are scroungers.


I worked with a midget who had brittle bones, confined between a wheel chair or crutches and was in constant pain. Yet he contributed a lot to our company. Much of his work was office based and the employer made a lot of reasonable adjustments. This man took his retirement 2 years ago, and is now studying History and Sheff Uni in his old age.


Please embrace the opertunity to get back into some kind of employement with the right kind of support. Disabled people should not be made to feel or believe they have nothing more to contribute to the work place.


If there is stuff to do and employers are willing to take into account someones disabilty then that's great. I'm sure most people with a disability would want to do something but in the current state of things how many employers are going to take on someone who they have to go out of their way to accomodate?

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If there is stuff to do and employers are willing to take into account someones disabilty then that's great. I'm sure most people with a disability would want to do something but in the current state of things how many employers are going to take on someone who they have to go out of their way to accomodate?


Thats all too true.


Its a good policy, done at the wrong time for the wrong reasons. This government is just using disabled people as scapegoates to motivate public opinion. Whilstever everyone is so concerned about benefit cheats, we arent' overly bothered about the super rich paying less tax than your average hard working man and woman.

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