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Disabled benefits claimants face £71 a week fines for breaching work plan

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  • 4 weeks later...
I am in favor of flat rate taxes and LVT.


Citizens income issue 3 is now out. The 14th BIEN conference was held in Munich 2 weeks ago..




Thanks for alerting me of the third edition will definitley give it a read soon.


Have you ever read a book by Tim Harford - The Under Cover Economist?



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Does anyone know of an employer who would offer a job to someone suffering with M.E/CFS?


It would need to be a very understanding employer who would offer someone who struggles to keep awake for more than 4 hours at a time. And if they manage to do that they suffer greatly for it with severe pain, often IBS and very often a relapse of their illness meaning they are unable to get out of bed.

If you know anyone who would offer someone like this a job can you please post on here.



I totally agree. I have days when I simply cannot get out of bed.


The last job I had they literally had to carry me into work so I could do the job. I was in agony and crying with pain all day which was rather embarrassing but I did my shift. Unfortunately, in doing this shift I caused extra damage to my back and leg.


I got ESA for a year now I have nothing.

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As the title of the thread says really.




The Guardian has recieved a leaked DWP letter which states that the disabled will lose most of their meagre ESA, if they refuse to take part in work related activities....

Just as David Laws is brought back into government after fraudulently claiming in excess of £40,000 from the taxpayer. And Chris Grayling, Work and Pensions Secretary who claimed many 10s of thousands of pounds at the taxpayers expense for his flat in Pimlico (in spite of him having his family home just 17 miles from the House of Commons, and a few other homes in London too) :rant:

Could we fime MPs / governments for breaching election promises? How would they like to be traeted?


I think this sort of information should precede any interview a politician undertakes on TV, Radio, or other media. They rely on the public forgetting so they can claim the moral high ground. We should make it clear that we haven't forgotten and know what a bunch of fraudulent crooks they are.


It makes me want to scream when they pompously talk about being unable to afford services because they are 'taking care with taxpayer's money...'

- yeah, when it suits them.


Personally I'd like to see it hung on a sign round their necks, but failing that, let's have it on one of those rolling texts across the bottom of the screen during the interview.

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I totally agree. I have days when I simply cannot get out of bed.


The last job I had they literally had to carry me into work so I could do the job. I was in agony and crying with pain all day which was rather embarrassing but I did my shift. Unfortunately, in doing this shift I caused extra damage to my back and leg.


I got ESA for a year now I have nothing.


Are'nt you able to claim job seeker's allowance (or whatever it's called now)?


If they say you're capable of doing a job but you can't get one doesn't that mean you are eligable?


If not, have you asked them what you are supposed to live on? This is scandalous. M.E. is a recognised by the World Health Organisation as a seriously debilitating condition.

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