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Nurses are being forced off wards to clean toilets


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They have a lot worse jobs to do then cleaning toilets.


Any one thinking about going into nursing, don't bother! if you think you can avoid having to clean up peoples excretion's.


Well yes, I'm sure it is part and parcel of the 'job' on occasions, but only in as much as it's to do with patient dignity and such.


There is a lot of talk about nurses being understaffed and overworked, which I'm sure is true in a lot of places, but do we also want to give them 'responsibility' for general cleaning too?


Besides the fact, would we want to pay nurses for doing (I hesitate to use the word, but can't think of another) 'menial' tasks around a hospital. Surely they get paid for a highly skilled job?


Cleaners however, are not highly skilled. But having said that, 'cleaning' is not as easy as some people might think.

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Doesn't the real problem stem from when they got private contractors to do cleaning services? I always reckoned it should have stayed 'in-house' and not be farmed out to some contractor who could do it on the cheap, paying minimum wage...etc...


Not every hospital has, in Sheffield the cleaning was kept in-house.

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Well yes, I'm sure it is part and parcel of the 'job' on occasions, but only in as much as it's to do with patient dignity and such.


There is a lot of talk about nurses being understaffed and overworked, which I'm sure is true in a lot of places, but do we also want to give them 'responsibility' for general cleaning too?


Besides the fact, would we want to pay nurses for doing (I hesitate to use the word, but can't think of another) 'menial' tasks around a hospital. Surely they get paid for a highly skilled job?


Cleaners however, are not highly skilled. But having said that, 'cleaning' is not as easy as some people might think.

They have always been understaffed and overworked,its worse now though.

Don't start me off on to all that,i havn't got all day.;)


If nursing had required a degree in my time,i would have had no chance,my first job on a ward was cleaning lockers and bedpans.

Nurse training has changed beyond recognition.

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They have always been understaffed and overworked,its worse now though.

Don't start me off on to all that,i havn't got all day.;)


If nursing had required a degree in my time,i would have had no chance,my first job on a ward was cleaning lockers and bedpans.

Nurse training has changed beyond recognition.


I'm sure training has changed beyond all recognition. Once upon a time it was sort of like an apprenticeship. You worked your way up from the bottom (pardon the pun).


Bottom (ooops did it again!!!) line is, nurses have enough to do without adding to their responsibilities in the form of general cleaning!

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You worked your way up from the bottom (pardon the pun).



:hihi: Doesn't make it sound very glamorous does it!


In spite of the hard work and frustrations, its the most rewarding job in the world. I couldn't cope with it now, but miss it lots and lots!! great memories!

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