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Cant stop eating in the middle of the night.

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HELP - My problem is that I cant stop eating in the middle of the night.


I eat healthy in the day and walk wherever I can, but when I go to bed at night I wake up everynight and end up scoffing whatever I can. I even dip my finger in the brown sugar for something sweet to have.


Im clapping on the weight and extermely depressed about how I feel about myself, I have not got much confidence at the moment and always wear the same clothes to hide myself in.


I keep getting up each day and promising myself that I will not pig out on that night when I go to bed.


It obviously dosent work. We dont buy choccie in or biscutis in as I eat them all in the middle of the night.


I know that this is a habit which I can break as i have done it before, but it was very hard, but when I got over the first 3 days it got easier.


I find it really hard to find the will power to do this, but I know that if I dont do something about it pretty soon Im gonna feel much much worse about myself and end up feeling more depressed than I already do.


I know that I have to do the hardwork myself and no matter how many times I promise myself that I can do it, it never seems to transpire. Please help any advice would be appreciated.


Lisa xx

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Do you take food to bed with you too or is it just waking up in night then getting up to go into kitchen for food?...How long as it been going on for?. The only way you will stop doing this is to fight the urge to get up and eat, first few nights may be difficult but eventually you will break the cycle and maybe sleep through. You already mentioned you actually broke it for a couple of days and you said yourself it felt easier but then you went back into the old routine. I would try this route again otherwise your gonna end up piling on alot of weight, it sounds like boredom more than depression.. I used to do something similar to this but I would eat junk at nighttime while I was still up, I put on 2 stone quite quickly and I stopped doing it immediately and after a few months I just noticed my belly had gone flat again....

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ohh my goodness, i thought it was just me :o


my fella and kids make a joke out of it and call me the midnight muncher. i wake up go to the loo then just cant help going down and rummaging about. sometimes i actually cant even remember going down until hubby laughs sayin hes found my eveidence... piccalilli on a knife in the sink.. the block of cheese not even put back in the fridge but in the knife draw, biscuit crumbs or salt alover.


i havent done it for a few weeks but sometimes it goes on for months then stops then starts back up.


im certainly not depressed or lonely or anything.it does worry me sometimes cos i try to stop my self, one night i had a 15 minute argument with myself on the top of the landing ...... but then my legs won and took me to the kitchen :|

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I dont have a lot of sugar in the day and try to keep it to a minimum if I can. I get up about 2am or 3am and whatever I can get my hands on to eat I will eat it, dont matter what it is.


I have heard of lots of people with this problem. People laugh when I tell them about it and yes its true it is funny in some respect, but it gets me down and when it actually comes to resisitng the food, its like someone waving food in front of my face.


I have had this problem for about 8 years now, but before it wasnt bad at all it was just now and then. Its now every night sometimes 2 and 3 times a night.


I have a idea that rather than going "cold turkey" to just cut up some fruit like a nectarine and put it in the fridge and when I get up to eat just eat that and just allow myself that.


Im gonna give it a go and i know I can do it, its just really hard and I dont like hard work lol.


I will do this tonight and give you all a update.

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