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Cameron reshuffle sees Department of Health idiot replaced with moron

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I have no idea whether I agree with you but the title amused me:hihi:


It's quite tame by the standards of NewsThump and Daily Mash.


Not so long ago I couldn't post newsthump links on here owing to the previous name of that site being a tad ruder.

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If he trys to get rid of the NHS then that will be the tories downfall, labour will soon be back in




I think there is no doubt that dismantling the NHS (which started with Labour) is well on its way and unless we dont have LIB/LAB/CON at the next election it merely a matter of months for a true two tier system.

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I think there is no doubt that dismantling the NHS (which started with Labour) is well on its way and unless we dont have LIB/LAB/CON at the next election it merely a matter of months for a true two tier system.

Most labour MP s support the NHS I think, but it's obvious Cameron doesn't otherwise hunt wouldn't have got the post

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Nothing surprises me with Cameron. Nothing. He's just a bufoon. A bit like Boris, but Boris actually makes sense a lot of the time!


Anyone who critises the present government should have their memory looked at it was those totally morally bankrupt labour politicians who have destroyed our country, saddled us with insurmountable debts, flooded us with people with that contribute little, but demand everything. I think that the indigenous population of of England are the buffoons. what did we gain from 13 years of a disastrous labour government. Massive debt, high unemployment, housing shortages, and Blair goes on to be a Multi millionaire, how very labour, what does he have in common with the working man?. how many properties does he have?. It about time we had a politician who had the balls to say whats wrong with this country.

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