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Who is feeling the pinch of the recession?

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An electric racer, does it have a lead acid battery or the light weight lithium battery? Obviously the lighter the battery for hills the better. Thing is, the lighter battery electric bikes cost a lot more, but I guess if you come across a lot of hills they will solve your problem. Can you post a link of a bike similar to yours?

I know but what I'm saying is the weight of you on the bike will not power you up hills

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Yes, but that is just my point. They could have chosen to do that with any bicycle, it's just odd how most people chose a mountain bike rather than racer.

Because of the thick tyres you probably get less punctures riding a mountain bike.

Haha if you try riding a racer off road then good luck, the only downside to racers on the roads are pot holes, that is it... Oh and tram lines

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I prefer mountain bike with slicks, I keep the ruggedness and comfyness of my MTB with the bonus of slick tyres, as my MTB weighs ~10kg weight isnt too much of an issue, and I still whizz past all the sweaty lycra clad middle aged wiggins wannabe's on their racers ;)

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I definately am at the moment. I work three jobs and still don't seem to have anything at the end of it. I do own a car and am thinking I may need to sell it cos just seem to be working to run it. My bank is one where they sort your money out for bills etc each week and rest goes on my bank card which at the moment doesn't have much on it at all. My main job pays the bills, my other two little jobs pay for food, petrol etc and there is never anything left at the end. Cant remember the last time I bought clothes or treated myself. If I sold my car I could save at least £140 a month, would have to get the bus, but I hate buses, what would you do?:confused::rant:


To get back on track after a wonderfully imaginative diversion into the pros and cons of bike riding, (why don't people start a new thread if they want to discuss something else?)....


My sympathy to the OP who is trying very hard to keep their head above water, but if it's any consolation you are not alone, far from it, but you didn't need me to tell you that.


Just about everybody is being affected by this recession. Even if they're not feeling it yet, they will be. Inflation is increasing weekly food budgets and eating into savings (if you have any.)


Despite record profits, bills for gas are going to rocket, and nobody seems to be able to stop people putting other prices up, like insurance, without any apparent justification, other than that they can. Petrol and diesel only ever seem to go in one direction - up, and that affects everything that has to be transported.


Wages on the other hand, stand still or go down both in actual and relative terms, that's if you're lucky enough to have a job. Or if you're doing the work of two people because 'they had to let your colleague go.' Don't tell me that some employers are not just jumping on the bandwagon.


When you get old it doesn't help. NHS treatment is becoming harder to rely on, and waiting lists are growing. Wait long enough and you'll die first - problem solved. Social services no longer supply an adequate safety net, and everything is being eaten away at the edges. Try to pay for it yourself? Even if you saved long and hard for a lifetime, pension annuities have fallen by 25%thanks to Quantative Easing. £100,000 saved will now buy you about £5,000 a year to live on.


Housing is unaffordable to many wanting to buy, and unaffordable to many wanting to rent, so they crash on friends floors, or go home to Mum and Dad who already have their own problems.


It's a mess. And politicians haven't a clue how to sort it out.

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