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Graze Inn - Ecclesall Road


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Well you certainly learn something new every day on here! That must be a pain in restaurants.


I'm looking forward to giving this a go... but may wait a little while for them to smooth out all the creases.

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Parmesan is one of those foods that has Protected Designation of Origin, and therefore in order to be called parmesan it has to be made to a specified standard. The standard requires that it is made with calf rennet, which is obtained from the stomachs of calves. Basically I find it shocking that restaurants such as this one label their food as vegetarian when it clearly isn't


More info here;




Thanks for the info and your right however I do have to side with the majority of veggies in the comments section saying that If that's all you have to worry about then you have an easy life.


Your simply just not going to educate everyone about some very small ingredient of a piece of cheese when cheese is widely known to be veggie friendly (even if this assumption is incorrect)

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Parmesan is one of those foods that has Protected Designation of Origin, and therefore in order to be called parmesan it has to be made to a specified standard. The standard requires that it is made with calf rennet, which is obtained from the stomachs of calves. Basically I find it shocking that restaurants such as this one label their food as vegetarian when it clearly isn't


More info here;




Have you contacted Richard Smith?


He is a fairly amenable chap - I am sure he would take your concerns on board?


And as most things at his restaurants are cooked to order - they should be able to take out the parmesan if they cannot be sure it is vegetarian (it might be a parmesan "style" cheese...bit cheaper so quite likely)


Dont think he reads SF though...posting on here wont get you far .

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  • 2 months later...

Went to Graze last night for a meal with some friends. Very very very average. I like the look of the place, the guy who served us seemed to be trying a bit hard to be quirky but I shouldn't really hold that against him. Service was good, food came pretty quickly, just a shame it wasn't very good!


Girlfriend has the 2 courses for 12quid offer. A Greek salad that was rubbish. Feta cheese was pretty awful, not the right texture or flavour. The olives were big, but not really ripe. Served with at most, 2 cherry tomatoes and a load of rocket. No dressing.


Her main was one of their flats, (a pizza). It was thin, i give it that, but with very little taste. The seafood on it was terrible, and again, they just covered it in rocket which was the only thing that tasted of anything.


I had a burger, which I would not normally do but nothing really took my fancy. It was bland, with some warm fries that were not even crispy and some weird stuff in a bowl on the side!


Can't say I would rush back.

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I though the food was pretty good as I would expect from a Richard Smith place (I'm not one his many SF critics!), but was disappointed with the atmosphere of the place. The decor seemed to be copy of a Loch Fyne. Ok I suppose if a bit bland. The bar area which looked good from the outside was obviously designed purely for the weekend crowds of designer clad chavs that descend on Ecclesall Road, just a big empty space with virtually no seating. The restaurant area was also poorly thought out. we were seated in what is essentially a corridor. There are better places to go

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  • 6 months later...

Any more comments now this place has been around long enough to have ironed out any teething problems?

Is this now a regular haunt for anyone or was it a case of 'been there done that-other places to try' for you?


I havent been but am tempted by the sound of the chicken prepared just the way I love it- spit roasted :love:

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