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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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Well he basically wiped unemployment out when he came in and Germany were a mess before he came, he sent Germany from poor to being rich and being able to spend money as well as other policy's that were a success, why don't you read more about him


Gearing up for war created a lot of employment. He also bult the autobahns which while benefiting the German driver were also built with the idea of being able to move large military convoys across the country quickly and efficiently.


Easy to restore order from chaos also. First you suspend all constitutional rights then create the Gestapo and SS, brainwash kids that they must report any and all negative comments about the Fuhrer to the appropriate authority.

Round up dissidents and toss them into concentration camps and look for scapegoats to take the blame for all the troubles past and present.... namely the Jews in this case.

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Like homosexuality, or being born in the wrong place.


you would be surprised what advances we have thanks to hitler and the work of his scientist and both the allies and the red army kidnapped scientist and stole the research they had been working on to work for them and provid the medcines that we use today

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you would be surprised what advances we have thanks to hitler and the work of his scientist and both the allies and the red army kidnapped scientist and stole the research they had been working on to work for them and provid the medcines that we use today

Yes the only thing Nazis stole was the blueprint for subs, which were hollands.....that's if we're not including egyptian items

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you would be surprised what advances we have thanks to hitler and the work of his scientist and both the allies and the red army kidnapped scientist and stole the research they had been working on to work for them and provid the medcines that we use today


I'll grant you that the Nazis rocket building skills made a great contribution to the space race, but that aside, what advances do we owe to Mr Hitler?


To attribute any scientific advances to the fuhrer personally seems frankly bizarre.

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I'll grant you that the Nazis rocket building skills made a great contribution to the space race, but that aside, what advances do we owe to Mr Hitler?


To attribute any scientific advances to the fuhrer personally seems frankly bizarre.

Yes but remember we just pointing out his good points, we like you still believe he was evil, don't worry

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Gearing up for war created a lot of employment. He also bult the autobahns which while benefiting the German driver were also built with the idea of being able to move large military convoys across the country quickly and efficiently.


Easy to restore order from chaos also. First you suspend all constitutional rights then create the Gestapo and SS, brainwash kids that they must report any and all negative comments about the Fuhrer to the appropriate authority.

Round up dissidents and toss them into concentration camps and look for scapegoats to take the blame for all the troubles past and present.


sound like blair and his lot just forgot to add id cards..:hihi:(his lot being all of our politicians)


you must remember that it was the british that invented the consentration camps with the boars and they wernt as hygienic as the german ones

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you must remember that it was the british that invented the consentration camps with the boars and they wernt as hygienic as the german ones


Are you seriously claiming that the Nazi concentration camps were hygienic?

Are you nuts?

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Are you seriously claiming that the Nazi concentration were hygienic?

Are you nuts?

The brits were treated fine, it was the Russians that were mistreated, though during the later years of the war food became scarce to feed the brits properly

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