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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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Well he basically wiped unemployment out when he came in and Germany were a mess before he came, he sent Germany from poor to being rich and being able to spend money as well as other policy's that were a success, why don't you read more about him


I've read quite a lot about the politics of the Third Reich.


Yes he wiped out unemployment with one stroke of the pen, Cameron could do the same if he wished, as could any leader. It's the methods of success which bring you infamy or not.


The economy of the Third Reich was a sham, built on the FORCED labour of the people of Germany who in effect were just tools for his plan. It's easy to create stability with false perception.


Stay away from propaganda stories and go a little deeper (not much by all accounts)


Read "Albert Speer : His Battle With Truth by Gitta Sereny.

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I've read quite a lot about the politics of the Third Reich.


Yes he wiped out unemployment with one stroke of the pen, Cameron could do the same if he wished, as could any leader. It's the methods of success which bring you infamy or not.


The economy of the Third Reich was a sham, built on the FORCED labour of the people of Germany who in effect were just tools for his plan. It's easy to create stability with false perception.


Stay away from propaganda stories and go a little deeper (not much by all accounts)


Read "Albert Speer : His Battle With Truth by Gitta Sereny.

He just wanted Germany to support themselves rather than rely on other nations, as for Albert steer he was a friend of hitler and designed many buildings but I will have a look at his book..i don't fall for propaganda, we're just pointing out hitlers points or should I say pro's and they went way beyond than just preparing for war, nazis were popular everywhere at one time

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you would be surprised what advances we have thanks to hitler and the work of his scientist and both the allies and the red army kidnapped scientist and stole the research they had been working on to work for them and provid the medcines that we use today


Hold on a minute, you're equating the advances of science with Hitler and scientists...a clever propaganda trick.

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Are you seriously claiming that the Nazi concentration were hygienic?

Are you nuts?


nope just more hygienic they had Latreens in the german ones the boars had to live in there own filth and had no wash facilatys (no not the showers) and food wasnt provided by the british


all im saying is nobody is a saint and that maybe the germans/hitler were not quite as bad as we are all lead to think,

and after all what exactly did we get out of the war nothing we had to promise america that we would give up our empire to allow world trade to progress as under the empire britain had first dibs on everything and america didnt like it as it was holding them back from being a world super power

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He just wanted Germany to support themselves rather than rely on other nations, as for Albert steer he was a friend of hitler and designed many buildings but I will have a look at his book..i don't fall for propaganda, we're just pointing out hitlers points or should I say pro's and they went way beyond than just preparing for war, nazis were popular everywhere at one time


Oh boy. This is such schoolboy naivety. Speer wasn't just a friend of Hitler who knocked up a few buildings. He was an architect in a much wider sense.



"Hitlers pro's"?? Ok he could love his dog while ordering the mass killings of people. Lovely.


"He just wanted"?? How do you know what he just wanted?

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Hold on a minute, you're equating the advances of science with Hitler and scientists...a clever propaganda trick.


no just saying under hitler they were given everything they needed to help with there research no other countrys allowed scientist so much freedom to persue there research

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