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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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sound like blair and his lot just forgot to add id cards..:hihi:(his lot being all of our politicians)


you must remember that it was the british that invented the consentration camps with the boars and they wernt as hygienic as the german ones


When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated they were full of deadly diseases.

Just touching one of the bodies or even getting as little as a scratch could get you seriously ill in no time.

If you've ever seen newsreels of Red Cross workers in those camps you'll see that they're all wearing protective clothing.


There's also a newsreel shot of a soldier driving a skip loader and shoveling piles of skeletal bodies into a big pit. There was no other way to bury them


These kinds of things must have haunted those who liberated the camps for years afterwards.


An American general was so horrified at what he had seen that he had all the people living in a nearby town rounded up and forced to walk through the camp to see for themselves what their Fuhrer and his men had wrought

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When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated they were full of deadly diseases.

Just touching one of the bodies or even getting as little as a scratch could get you seriously ill in no time.

If you've ever seen newsreels of Red Cross workers in those camps you'll see that they're all wearing protective clothing.


There's also a newsreel shot of a soldier driving a skip loader and shoveling piles of skeletal bodies into a big pit. There was no other way to bury them


These kinds of things must have haunted those who liberated the camps for years afterwards.


An American general was so horrified at what he had seen that he had all the people living in a nearby town rounded up and forced to walk through the camp to see for themselves what their Fuhrer and his men had wrought

Yes have you seen that footage with them actually filming them being shot, all the jews are in a queue while the germans are ordering a dozen at a time to run and line up just infront of their mass graves, you can see german soldiers deep in conversation laughing and joking while other soldiers are killing hundreds of jews. It's the footage with the barking dog, looks like a jack Russell which is running round playing with german soldiers while it's happening

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Yes have you seen that footage with them actually filming them being shot, all the jews are in a queue while the germans are ordering a dozen at a time to run and line up just infront of their mass graves, you can see german soldiers deep in conversation laughing and joking while other soldiers are killing hundreds of jews. It's the footage with the barking dog, looks like a jack Russell which is running round playing with german soldiers while it's happening


Yeah the Nazis were a bunch of basterds all right. I read a book a few months back called "Berlin" by British author Antony Beevor. It was about the capture of Berlin in 1945 by the Red Army.


Boy! Did the Russians do a number on the Germans when they crossed into that country in 1945!. They got their revenge in spades and horrible as it was who could have blamed them after what the Nazis had done to them.


The luckiest Germans were those who were conquered by the British. Americans and Canadians

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Yes it was the same for Russians, they rather be captured by anyone apart from germans


Russian had never been a signatory to the Geneva Convention which granted rights to prisoners of war. Millions of Russian POWs died in concentration camps, starved, executed, used in experiments.


The saddest part of all though is that when those Russian POWs who had managed to survive were liberated most of them were sent to the Gulags in Siberia by Stalin who said they had been traitors for surrendering in the first place.


The Germans recruited a bunch of Russian Cossaks to fight for them against Stalin.

When the war was over the western allies turned the Cossacks over to Stalin who had them all shot immediately including any of their wives and children

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Russian had never been a signatory to the Geneva Convention which granted rights to prisoners of war. Millions of Russian POWs died in concentration camps, starved, executed, used in experiments.


The saddest part of all though is that when those Russian POWs who had managed to survive were liberated most of them were sent to the Gulags in Siberia by Stalin who said they had been traitors for surrendering in the first place.


The Germans recruited a bunch of Russian Cossaks to fight for them against Stalin.

When the war was over the western allies turned the Cossacks over to Stalin who had them all shot immediately including any of their wives and children

Yes I was talking about the POW camp...ignore this, I misread ya post

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Yes I was talking about the POW camp...ignore this, I misread ya post

Yes the german soldiers actually liked the brits though, they even played football together during a rest, though I think hitler found out and had the german soldiers shot for doing it....im basing this one on my wife's grandad who told me, i not actually ever looked it up ..Do you know anything about it?

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Well I can't seem to find anything on it but the Christmas truce from world war one is here


It's amazing what can actually go off on the battle field..lol


Taken from wikipedia:


Christmas truce was a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires that took place along the Western Front around Christmas 1914, during World War I. Through the week leading up to Christmas, parties of German and British soldiers began to exchange seasonal greetings and songs between their trenches; on occasion, the tension was reduced to the point that individuals would walk across to talk to their opposite numbers bearing gifts. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, many soldiers from both sides – as well as, to a lesser degree, from French units – independently ventured into "no man's land", where they mingled, exchanging food and souvenirs. As well as joint burial ceremonies, several meetings ended in carol-singing. Troops from both sides were also friendly enough to play games of football with one another.


The truce is seen as a symbolic moment of peace and humanity amidst one of the most violent events of modern history. It was not ubiquitous; in some regions of the front, fighting continued throughout the day, while in others, little more than an arrangement to recover bodies was made. The following year, a few units again arranged ceasefires with their opponents over Christmas, but the truces were not nearly as widespread as in 1914; this was, in part, due to strongly worded orders from the high commands of both sides prohibiting such fraternisation. In 1916, after the unprecedentedly bloody battles of the Somme and Verdun, and the beginning of widespread poison gas use, soldiers on both sides increasingly viewed the other side as less than human, and no more Christmas truces were sought.

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Anyway I just realised what you mean here by FORCE labour, your getting the foreigners mixed up with the german people, the german people were paid, the foreigners weren't and that force labour was during the war


Scare, you really do need to read up on what you're talking about. Forced labour in Germany had a constant supply before war broke out, that constant supply were indigenous Germans. Mentaly ill, homosexuals, dissidents, political prisoners etc.



The unemployed were given a very simple choice, do whatever work is given to you by the government or be classed as "work-shy" and put in a concentration camp.


Hitler fixed a problem with a false economy, German people fell for it. You fell for it.

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Scare, you really do need to read up on what you're talking about. Forced labour in Germany had a constant supply before war broke out, that constant supply were indigenous Germans. Mentaly ill, homosexuals, dissidents, political prisoners etc.



The unemployed were given a very simple choice, do whatever work is given to you by the government or be classed as "work-shy" and put in a concentration camp.


Hitler fixed a problem with a false economy, German people fell for it. You fell for it.

I'm not being funny Ron but you don't know what your on about, you fell for it like you fell for Albert speers book...speers was convicted on the force labour foreigners were forced to do during the war, now come back in another hour or so when you have another answer

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