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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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But answering your question on what would britain look like, well I don't believe it would have been simple as he would have thought. The civilians wouldn't have stood for it and britian would have decended into civil war. Had Hitler won the war i don't think his policy's would still be here still as he would have been disposed eventually through assassination

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The Germans lost, yet they have a better quality of life. They have spacious affordable housing, whereas we have expensive slums.
Would that be because, being the 'victors' we had to help them get back on their feet after the war ended? Because we'd borrowed loads of money from the USA, including a load of worn out old rust buckets they sold us most of which weren't even seaworthy and that cost us money to scrap? Because we only just finished paying them back a few years ago? Because we pay more towards the running of EU in comparison to our size and population than anyone else?


In fact, because collectively the UK has 'MUG' tattooed on its metaphorical forehead?


Just a thought ... :)

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An interesting question, but I don't think Britain could ever have been a friend to Germany while Hitler was in charge. We do not think alike or do things the same way, and Hitler was way too extreme.


If Germany had won the war, we would still be a thorn in the flesh, never properly subdued and some factions still fighting a guerilla war. Some would have capitulated and probably be doing very well out of it, but actually I think it would probably look very much like the EU with a bit more bite, and Germany taking the lion's share at everyone else's expense, whereas now it's the EU commisioners who do that.

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A man with Hitler's character and temperament could never have won any war.

He was big on speeches, stirring up people into a nationalistic frenzy and even managing to con them into believing that they were the Master Race.


However, militarily he was an ignorant, arrogant oaf. He got completely carried away with his easy victories in France and Poland and thought he could achieve the same in Russia. The day he attacked that country was the day he was destined to lose the war and this fatal decision of his was further compunded later on by declaring war on America.


Militarily Stalin was an oaf also but his saving grace was that after screwing up in the first few months of the war he had the sense to start listening to his military commanders, something that Hitler was completely incapable of

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A man with Hitler's character and temperament could never have won any war.

He was big on speeches, stirring up people into a nationalistic frenzy and even managing to con them into believing that they were the Master Race.


However, militarily he was an ignorant, arrogant oaf. He got completely carried away with his easy victories in France and Poland and thought he could achieve the same in Russia. The day he attacked that country was the day he was destined to lose the war and this fatal decision of his was further compunded later on by declaring war on America.


Militarily Stalin was an oaf also but his saving grace unlike Hitler was that after screwing up in the first few months of the war he had the sense to start listening to his military commanders, something that Hitler was completely incapable of

Did they declare war on america? .. I thought japan declared war on america not necessarily hitler

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Would that be because, being the 'victors' we had to help them get back on their feet after the war ended? Because we'd borrowed loads of money from the USA, including a load of worn out old rust buckets they sold us most of which weren't even seaworthy and that cost us money to scrap? Because we only just finished paying them back a few years ago? Because we pay more towards the running of EU in comparison to our size and population than anyone else?


In fact, because collectively the UK has 'MUG' tattooed on its metaphorical forehead?


Just a thought ... :)


Most of the money we send to the EU comes back and is paid out to landowners...

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Would that be because, being the 'victors' we had to help them get back on their feet after the war ended? Because we'd borrowed loads of money from the USA, including a load of worn out old rust buckets they sold us most of which weren't even seaworthy and that cost us money to scrap? Because we only just finished paying them back a few years ago? Because we pay more towards the running of EU in comparison to our size and population than anyone else?


In fact, because collectively the UK has 'MUG' tattooed on its metaphorical forehead?


Just a thought ... :)


This "rusty old bucket" theory about Lend Lease is completely clapped out and innacurate. Lend lease also provided much needed aircraft, artillery and tanks, something that the British were chronically short of.


Montogomery's victory over Rommel in North Africa was largely as a result of American tanks and artillery being provided to his army which made the British weaponry far superior in numbers to Rommel's by which time anyway Rommel was down to his last handful of tanks


But go ahead believe what you want if it makes you feel better :gag:

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