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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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to true he lost his argument when he started to edit the quotes to fit his own perspective


He's not necessarily wrong in what he is saying, but he's only starting from when hitler came to power, he's not looking at the bigger picture, to know what he is talking about he has to go much further back than 1933, hitlers plan was always to go to war but you need to more know than just saying he used propaganda on his people..Germany was already racist long before hitler

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He's not necessarily wrong in what he is saying, but he's only starting from when hitler came to power, he's not looking at the bigger picture, to know what he is talking about he has to go much further back than 1933, hitlers plan was always to go to war but you need to more know than just saying he used propaganda on his people..Germany was already racist long before hitler


i know but i hate it when ppl just ignore one side of an issue because it dosnt suit there perception of it

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P k dick the sifi writer wrote a book about it " the man in the high castle"



where the Axis powers won the Second World War. America has been divided into a Japanese colony on the West Coast, a German colony on the East Coast and sort of a midwest buffer state between the two.


to tell you the truth I found it hard to read

People are not who they seem to be, reality is not as real as you might think, the counterfeit is indistinguishable from the "real".as with a lot of p k dicks books Paranoia seems to be the main theme :hihi:


Like the stupid buggers could carry out an invasion of the US East Coast when they couldnt even cross 22 miles of the English Channel in 1940.


Htler was so thick that he sent his army into Russia with horse drawn artillery and relied too much on the same form of transport to bring up supplies to the fighting front


Hitler in effect was our best weapon in winning that war

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Ok go back to the boer war and learn ya stuff then come back when you understand... I'm gonna start on the drone thread in abit


Ooo goody I'm ******* me pants in anticipation.


to true he lost his argument when he started to edit the quotes to fit his own perspective



If you're so **** sure report me or point out the edits.


He's not necessarily wrong in what he is saying, but he's only starting from when hitler came to power, he's not looking at the bigger picture, to know what he is talking about he has to go much further back than 1933, hitlers plan was always to go to war but you need to more know than just saying he used propaganda on his people..Germany was already racist long before hitler


He didn't tell his people his intent was war. He was a lying weasel skank like his present day apologists.


Now, both of you go back to your 50's cowboy and injuns movies. And stop reading this http://www.26pigs.com/victor/lg-victor.jpg stuff for your facts.


Poor old Adolf, he was so misunderstood, his heart was in the right place:hihi: sniff!

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Well firstly then you agree with me when I talk about hitlers good points then people must think that I like him.....ok we got that out of way


I said part of hitlers plan was war, i didn't say he told the people he wanted war but the people who voted him in are fools if they thought that hitlers policys wouldn't lead to war

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