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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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And as for you thinking I am defending hitler then I will ask you why would I need to, im not german, i like history so I rather know the real hitler rather than just the war hitler you all know him as..Why does this seem like a hitler apologist? I just want to know more about the man...that's all


Adolf hitler began out seeking returning what he said was germanys area, he didn't want war with england, he actually got his aircraft sent over to fall a large number of pamphlets saying he desired england as an best friend.


it just falls of deaf ears ppl are so brainwashed in to thinking the world is the perfect little bubble were your good or evil

as Einstein said its all relative, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

for instance i hate the IRA for the thing they have done but i can see beyond that to see them as the most successful gorilla army in the world

and the fact that they have achieved so many of there goals

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it just falls of deaf ears ppl are so brainwashed in to thinking the world is the perfect little bubble were your good or evil

as Einstein said its all relative, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

for instance i hate the IRA for the thing they have done but i can see beyond that to see them as the most successful gorilla army in the worldand the fact that they have achieved so many of there goals


No, that would have been Planet of the Apes; you mean guerilla army

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Britain and Germany had alot of allies already, the Royal Family was a big fan of Nazi Germany at the time, Oswald Mosley was incharge of BUF and was ready to take controll of Britain. Hess flew over to Britain to try and bring peace to the war in 1941. And to end with this short but full off facts comment, Churchill even admitted after the war that he had chosen the wrong side!! Not to mention we lost the Empire by having America as her Ally. A country who was planning to attack the Empire before the war.


Really. Do you share that view?

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Britain and Germany had alot of allies already, the Royal Family was a big fan of Nazi Germany at the time, Oswald Mosley was incharge of BUF and was ready to take controll of Britain. Hess flew over to Britain to try and bring peace to the war in 1941. And to end with this short but full off facts comment, Churchill even admitted after the war that he had chosen the wrong side!! Not to mention we lost the Empire by having America as her Ally. A country who was planning to attack the Empire before the war.


is this true about america was planning to invade? ive heard of this before but was very patchy

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We didn't lose the empire like that, we had to give independence after the war otherwise britain would have been hypocrites...and Churchill never said he chose the wrong side...hehe


it was a condition of america helping us out that we had to give independence to those that wanted so america could have (cough cough) more influance in the pacific and to free up trade as america thote it was unfair britain had a monopoly on trade


and it is known that churchill regreted that he helped the russians and lost our empire

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it was a condition of america helping us out that we had to give independence to those that wanted so america could have (cough cough) more influance in the pacific and to free up trade as america thote it was unfair britain had a monopoly on trade

But still it was only morally right that Britain did give everyone independence as they were fighting against evil in world war 2 so in my opinion if I lived at the time I would accuse britain of being hypocrites

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But still it was only morally right that Britain did give everyone independence as they were fighting against evil in world war 2 so in my opinion if I lived at the time I would accuse britain of being hypocrites


but also america agitated the the situation and left us with the mess in the world today in Palestine and isreal and most of africa because of the impositions you talked about in an earlier post we couldnt afford a army big enough to police the empire and corruption and greed took over and in some cases nothing more than mafias took controle the problems of wich we are still trying to sort out

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We gave India independence in 1947 so the British government must have thought this


india and pakistan as we know today were as one in peace.(with each other a fully mixed country) when britain left the country it left a power vacume that tore the country in to pieces and genocide followed muslim killing hindus and hindus killing muslims the problems of which we are still dealling with today

india and pakistan both fighting over kashmire

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