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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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but also america agitated the the situation and left us with the mess in the world today in Palestine and isreal and most of africa because of the impositions you talked about in an earlier post we couldnt afford a army big enough to police the empire and corruption and greed took over and in some cases nothing more than mafias took controle the problems of wich we are still trying to sort out

I'm not saying america didn't suggest it on part of a deal of helping us but if they did then they did it out of gain, i don't think america actually had these country's at heart

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Britain and Germany had alot of allies already, the Royal Family was a big fan of Nazi Germany at the time, Oswald Mosley was incharge of BUF and was ready to take controll of Britain. Hess flew over to Britain to try and bring peace to the war in 1941. And to end with this short but full off facts comment, Churchill even admitted after the war that he had chosen the wrong side!! Not to mention we lost the Empire by having America as her Ally. A country who was planning to attack the Empire before the war.


Britain and Germany were not allies between the wars. The Royal Family did not support the Nazis although Edward VIII did. However he was shipped off to the Bahamas during the war and his brothers King George VI and Prince George both supported the British war effort. Prince George was killed on RAF duty. Moseley was interned during the war and had as much chance of taking control of Britain then as Nick Griffin has now - i.e. none whatsoever. Churchill never said anything of the sort. The USA had nothing to do with Britain losing the Empire and wasn't planning on attacking the British Empire. Britain couldn't afford the Empire and didn't have the manpower to rule it anymore. Fascists tend to be delusional even with the benefit of hindsight.

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Britain and Germany had alot of allies already, the Royal Family was a big fan of Nazi Germany at the time, Oswald Mosley was incharge of BUF and was ready to take controll of Britain. Hess flew over to Britain to try and bring peace to the war in 1941. And to end with this short but full off facts comment, Churchill even admitted after the war that he had chosen the wrong side!! Not to mention we lost the Empire by having America as her Ally. A country who was planning to attack the Empire before the war.


The Empire was already lost and not because of America. After India, Indo-China and other Asian peoples under Euro domination saw that the white man could be soundly beaten by another Asian people (The Japanese) and were not the "iron gods" that the white man had conned their Asian subects into believing the days of Empire were over for Britain, France and Holland

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it just falls of deaf ears ppl are so brainwashed in to thinking the world is the perfect little bubble were your good or evil

as Einstein said its all relative, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

for instance i hate the IRA for the thing they have done but i can see beyond that to see them as the most successful gorilla army in the worldand the fact that they have achieved so many of there goals


Not hardly. They certainly didnt achieve their object of uniting the north and south parts of Ireland

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Britain and Germany had alot of allies already, the Royal Family was a big fan of Nazi Germany at the time, Oswald Mosley was incharge of BUF and was ready to take controll of Britain. Hess flew over to Britain to try and bring peace to the war in 1941. And to end with this short but full off facts comment, Churchill even admitted after the war that he had chosen the wrong side!! Not to mention we lost the Empire by having America as her Ally. A country who was planning to attack the Empire before the war.


Can you back this up with a link or something reliable?

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