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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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But still it was only morally right that Britain did give everyone independence as they were fighting against evil in world war 2 so in my opinion if I lived at the time I would accuse britain of being hypocrites


If I remember wasn't Hitler up for a Nobel Peace Prize, for doing good in the world?! So define Evil.

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Britain and Germany were not allies between the wars. The Royal Family did not support the Nazis although Edward VIII did. However he was shipped off to the Bahamas during the war and his brothers King George VI and Prince George both supported the British war effort. Prince George was killed on RAF duty. Moseley was interned during the war and had as much chance of taking control of Britain then as Nick Griffin has now - i.e. none whatsoever. Churchill never said anything of the sort. The USA had nothing to do with Britain losing the Empire and wasn't planning on attacking the British Empire. Britain couldn't afford the Empire and didn't have the manpower to rule it anymore. Fascists tend to be delusional even with the benefit of hindsight.


I was stating some rich Britons Supported Nazi Germany, Including Sir Oswald Mosley, and many other Sir's and Lords.


Edward was the King at the time, but had to leave as he was marrying a divorcie, and this would had brung bad rep on the Family, if Edward had stayed as King, we would had becom allies way before the war.


Edward backed Mosley all the way. Mosley was to become PM.


Oh then the History channel mad a false doccumentry about it then, not only the daily mail reporting it http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2039453/How-America-planned-destroy-BRITAIN-1930-bombing-raids-chemical-weapons.html reprting about a war plan written up by the Americans to attack the Empire. Yes I must be making this all up!! :loopy::hihi::loopy:

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Edward was the King at the time, but had to leave as he was marrying a divorcie, and this would had brung bad rep on the Family, if Edward had stayed as King, we would had becom allies way before the war.



Thank goodness for Mrs Simpson, she did this Country a great favour,by agreeing to marry the KIng,especially when it finally dawned on her that her ambition to be Queen was never going to be a reality.
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Thank goodness for Mrs Simpson, she did this Country a great favour,by agreeing to marry the KIng,especially when it finally dawned on her that her ambition to be Queen was never going to be a reality.


Well being denied Queen couldnt have bothered her that much or she would have dumped him after the Archbishop of Canterbury and PM Baldwin advised him that it was either Mrs Simpson or his crown :D

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Well being denied Queen couldnt have bothered her that much or she would have dumped him after the Archbishop of Canterbury and PM Baldwin advised him that it was either Mrs Simpson or his crown :D


Yes but she had got in too deep by that time,and felt trapped, with published details in the US press,and pressure from Aunt Bessie. Then they're were the love sick soppy letters she was getting from Edward,which were never returned with the same emotional sentiment.

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