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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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Many of the upper classes did initially have a measure of admiration for Hitler. They saw his regime as a buffer against the dreaded communism. As the war progressed and stories of his atrocities started to surface then that all changed


The aristocratic relations were probably terrified that if the dreaded Communism gained power,they would end up in the same position as what happened to their Romanov cousins in Russia.


I expect Scare will be along with his contradictions.:hihi:

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Yes but she had got in too deep by that time,and felt trapped, with published details in the US press,and pressure from Aunt Bessie. Then they're were the love sick soppy letters she was getting from Edward,which were never returned with the same emotional sentiment.


Hardly surprising. The woman had gone through two marriages already.

In American parlance "That dame had been around the block one too many times already" :hihi:

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The aristocratic relations were probably terrified that if the dreaded Communism gained power,they would end up in the same position as what happened to their Romanov cousins in Russia.


I expect Scare will be along with his contradictions.:hihi:


Well the aristocracy were already in something of a muck sweat because not that many years before the nation had elected it's first Socialist government in history and unions were actively supporting industrial action on an increasing scale, so the paranoia was rampant.

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Many of the upper classes did initially have a measure of admiration for Hitler. They saw his regime as a buffer against the dreaded communism. As the war progressed and stories of his atrocities started to surface then that all changed


Indeed, lord rothmere (owner of the daily mail at the time) was particularly chummy with hitler, Mussolini and Moseley until he was nicked.

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Edward was the King at the time, but had to leave as he was marrying a divorcie, and this would had brung bad rep on the Family, if Edward had stayed as King, we would had becom allies way before the war.


Edward backed Mosley all the way. Mosley was to become PM.


Oh then the History channel mad a false doccumentry about it then, not only the daily mail reporting it http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2039453/How-America-planned-destroy-BRITAIN-1930-bombing-raids-chemical-weapons.html reprting about a war plan written up by the Americans to attack the Empire. Yes I must be making this all up!! :loopy::hihi::loopy:


Edward VIII abdicated less that 3 years before the outbreak of war which was after your "way before the war" deadline for us becoming allies with Adolf.


Moseley wasn't an MP after 1931 and so couldn't become Prime Minister.


The Mail link merely details plans that were never serious, just contingencies for hypothetical situations, including an attack on US citizens. You've taken plans for a hypothetical situation as if they were seriously intended. The bit about you making it all up is the only bit of truth in your posts.

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If I remember wasn't Hitler up for a Nobel Peace Prize, for doing good in the world?! So define Evil.


Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939 as an act of sarcasm by an anti-fascist Swedish MP in response to other Swedish MPs nominating Chamberlain. The nomination was refused by the Nobel committee and withdrawn by the MP. Years later though the nomination is still used by Hitler-lovers too dim to understand irony to justify their revisionism.

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Indeed, lord rothmere (owner of the daily mail at the time) was particularly chummy with hitler, Mussolini and Moseley until he was nicked.


Not hard to imagine what would have happened if Britain had fallen.


District Gauleiters, probably members of the aristicracy appointed by the new German Reich Commissioner for Britain. Enough knuckle dragging morons from the lower orders to recruit a British SS Division for cannon fodder in Russia. Intellectuals, dissidents, socialists, communists, trade union leaders,writers, university professors, people with disabilities, Jews, all rounded up and shipped off to concentration camps set up in Scotland or Cornwall. The British Police Force placed under the jurisdiction of the Gestapo Churchill and his government, even King George and his family going to exile in Canada and Edward returning to sit on the throne but whether Hitler being the paranoid power freak that he was could have felt comfortable with another head of state in his Greater Reich is a matter for debate


Meanwhile the US going alone to war with Japan and concentrating all it's manpower and resources in that war. The country didnt need to import anything. It was self sufficient in oil, food, raw materials, production facilities and manpower.


There would have been a race to see how soon Germany and the US could have developed the first atomic bomb. The Germans had weakened themselves scientifically by expelling the Jews among them. They were behind the US in atomic bomb devlopment but advanced in the technology of missile development. That might not have helped since the Americans had the B-29 long range Superfortress bomber which could have reached Europe and dropped a few atomic bombs on Germany then flown on to Turkey or Iran for refueling for the return journey

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Yes i did read something somewhere about her reputation,seems she had a few flings in China in her younger days.:hihi:


Well China is as good a place as any to have a fling :hihi:


To Eddie she was always that nice grll next door and a man in love is entitled to his delusions and illusions :hihi:

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