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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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in 1952 hitler would have renounced his evil ways, married a jewish woman, and restored all coutries to their pre war borders.



If that's about my post about hitler could have been the greatest leader had he not been evil then I can actually back that up if you want me to

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The ' don't know ' I wrote was in disagreement with you, I didn't say I didn't actually know but obviously that is my opinion.


So, knowing the relevant historical facts (briefly summarised in a quote in my earlier post, and widely publicised for decades) as you claim, you still thought and posted that Stalin had fallen 'hook line and sinker' for Hitler's non-aggression pact? When that's been conclusively proven not to be the case at all?


I'm having trouble understanding your logic, here :huh:

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So, knowing the relevant historical facts (briefly summarised in a quote in my earlier post, and widely publicised for decades) as you claim, you still thought and posted that Stalin had fallen 'hook line and sinker' for Hitler's non-aggression pact? When that's been conclusively proven not to be the case at all?


I'm having trouble understanding your logic, here :huh:

Well to say stalin went along with it which is a proven fact would suggest your logic doesn't actually add up

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whatever you think about hitler he turned a third world country into a world super power in 10 years somthing that we could do with now,

people only remember the nazis at war not what the did before or would have done after,

before the nazis came to power germany was in chaos riots looting murders rapes robbery (sounds like britain the last few years) he turned that around,, dont forget there is socialist in national socialist

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Am I discussing this with a moron again? Haven't you watched any war footage or war programmes or anything? Do you just Google things as posts come up
This same issue has come up recently between you and Harleyman.


I've done a fair bit more than educating myself with 'TV documentaries'. If that's the extent of your 'education' into the subject, I'm not surprised in the least that it shows.


So far, you've only shown yourself to be obtuse, and now rude. Time for you to join my ignore list. KTB

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The Germans lost, yet they have a better quality of life. They have spacious affordable housing, whereas we have expensive slums.


Probably paid for by us,which i think we are still paying for to rebuild Germany as part of an agreement for winning the war.

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Only an idiot believes that the lend lease got us rusty old ships and not much else. America saved our skins really.

Now the way America behaved towards us just after the war was a bit off but then its all history now.


Britain was flat broke following world war 2. The British army had been fighting the Communists in Greece and the British leader at that time, Atlee I think it was, told President Truman that they intended to pull out.


The same happened with Palestine. The British had decided to pull out Truman was initially against setting up defined borders for the new state of Israel and instead putting Palestine under UN Mandate.

He was however persuaded against it and as a result the defined borders were established

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Would that be because, being the 'victors' we had to help them get back on their feet after the war ended? Because we'd borrowed loads of money from the USA, including a load of worn out old rust buckets they sold us most of which weren't even seaworthy and that cost us money to scrap? Because we only just finished paying them back a few years ago? Because we pay more towards the running of EU in comparison to our size and population than anyone else?In fact, because collectively the UK has 'MUG' tattooed on its metaphorical forehead?


Just a thought ... :)


52 million a week.

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