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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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This same issue has come up recently between you and Harleyman.


I've done a fair bit more than educating myself with 'TV documentaries'. If that's the extent of your 'education' into the subject, I'm not surprised in the least that it shows.


So far, you've only shown yourself to be obtuse, and now rude. Time for you to join my ignore list. KTB


No I was not referring to harleyman being a moron, i was referring to a topic that was posted where no one seemed to understand what a moron meant...but I make it clear I wasent referring to harleyman, i can tell the difference between someone who knows things and someone who just plays the Google expert....and moron should be ok to say, it's not necessarily an insult

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One thing I never worked out. We went to war with Germany after they invaded Poland on the 1st September and we had a treaty with Poland. The Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East on the 17th (I think) September but we allied with them ? Did our treaty with Poland expire in the 16 days between the 2 events or something ?


It's a funny old world.


Funnier yet was that Britain while already at war with Germany could also easily have ended up at war with Russia in 1940.

At that time the Finlanders were fighting off an invasion by the Soviet army and Churchill decided to send a British military contingent to aid the Finns. It was landed in the north part of Norway but never made it to Finland because the British had to pull out of Norway pretty quickly after it fell to the Germans after several sea skirmished during which the German navy lost a few of it's ships in the process

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One thing 's for sure ; if the Nazis had occupied the U.K. there would have been no shortage of petty bureaucrats, jobsworths, control freaks and dead-heads to support the Nazi way of life.


Also, there is no shortage in the U.K. of evil bullies and sadists of all kinds who would have rejoiced at being able to run a U.K. version of Buchenwald or Dachau. Neither the extreme Left nor the extreme Right seem to show much compassion towards those whom they conquer or control--------to wit :- the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, North Korea, Franco 's Spain......to name but a few !


Let in an extreme government and all the scum of mankind appear out of the woodwork.

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people only remember the nazis at war not what the did before or would have done after,

before the nazis came to power germany was in chaos riots looting murders rapes robbery (sounds like britain the last few years) he turned that around,, dont forget there is socialist in national socialist


People only remember the Nazis at war because war was just about the only thing Hitler believed in, in particular to build an empire for the master race. If Germany was in chaos before the war it was in a lot more chaos by the time the Russians reached Berlin. There were a lot more murders, rapes, looting, etc, then. So he didn't turn it round. He exported it via the German army and then had it come back to Germany. By that time he'd killed himself as he couldn't face any more chaos.


It's nice though that someone still has a good word to say about Adolf.

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People only remember the Nazis at war because war was just about the only thing Hitler believed in, in particular to build an empire for the master race. If Germany was in chaos before the war it was in a lot more chaos by the time the Russians reached Berlin. There were a lot more murders, rapes, looting, etc, then. So he didn't turn it round. He exported it via the German army and then had it come back to Germany. By that time he'd killed himself as he couldn't face any more chaos.


It's nice though that someone still has a good word to say about Adolf.

He's not saying it like that, what he is merely stating is hitlers pros and not just cons, but people seem to think you have to like hitler to say this and it's not true. You biasly teach yourself

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Probably paid for by us,which i think we are still paying for to rebuild Germany as part of an agreement for winning the war.


Probably. I think. Do you have any concrete evidence of that though or are you just guessing? The Germans borrowed heavily off the USA after the war but also paid out massive sums in war reparations for the damage they caused. They haven't though wasted a lot of the money we have - and the Yanks have - through stupid unwinnable wars and massive armaments.

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He's not saying it like that, what he is merely stating is hitlers pros and not just cons, but people seem to think you have to like hitler to say this and it's not true. You biasly teach yourself


Hitler's pros, eh? Yes, suspending German democracy and building a military machine that caused a war that killed over 50 million people. How could I have missed Adolf's compassionate side?


Also, what does "You biasly teach yourself" mean?

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Hitler's pros, eh? Yes, suspending German democracy and building a military machine that caused a war that killed over 50 million people. How could I have missed Adolf's compassionate side?


Also, what does "You biasly teach yourself" mean?

It means because hitler was evil, you are only open to one side of him so you will never really learn anything about him

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It means because hitler was evil, you are only open to one side of him so you will never really learn anything about him


Maybe you could teach us all. What were Adolf's good points? I've always had him down as a genocidal psychopath but was he kind to animals too?

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People only remember the Nazis at war because war was just about the only thing Hitler believed in, in particular to build an empire for the master race. If Germany was in chaos before the war it was in a lot more chaos by the time the Russians reached Berlin. There were a lot more murders, rapes, looting, etc, then. So he didn't turn it round. He exported it via the German army and then had it come back to Germany. By that time he'd killed himself as he couldn't face any more chaos.


It's nice though that someone still has a good word to say about Adolf.


He liked little kids. He gave them helmets and anti-tank weapons and told them to go fight the Russians when the Russians arrived in Berlin.


He also liked his German Shepherd dog and his girlfriend Eva Braun

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