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What if hitler had won the war with britains help

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He's not saying it like that, what he is merely stating is hitlers pros and not just cons, but people seem to think you have to like hitler to say this and it's not true. You biasly teach yourself


thank you scare


every body is always quick to look at the bad side of things

maybe thats because the victors always write history

someone in an earlier post said that hitler never wanted war with britain this is true hitler respected the british ppl and sent a peace envoy,( rudolf hess ) to pursue peace but churchill did not want peace he wanted war so that he could control the british ppl and had hess arrested for spying.

ppl also think that we committed no atrocities during the war this is a lie we were the first to bomb civilians we did this so that hitler would switch to bombing the citys insteed of the air fields so that the airforce had chance to recoup its losses and to get the british ppl behind the war as most of britain was in support for hitler.


but like i said history is writen by the victor

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Maybe you could teach us all. What were Adolf's good points? I've always had him down as a genocidal psychopath but was he kind to animals too?


yes hitler was a vegan and a staunch supporter of animal welfare workers welfare, national health womans rights and many more


were as such as cha gavara (not sure on the spelling) we are told he is a hero of the ppl a great revolutionary

i dont think so

he was a war lord mass murderer rapist and thief

im not saying hitler was perfect or never did these thing him self what im saying is your bias is clouding your judgement on this subject

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maybe thats because the victors always write history

someone in an earlier post said that hitler never wanted war with britain this is true hitler respected the british ppl and sent a peace envoy,( rudolf hess ) to pursue peace but churchill did not want peace he wanted war so that he could control the british ppl and had hess arrested for spying.


Or maybe it's because Hitler was just a genocidal maniac. Hitler didn't send Hess as a peace envoy. Hess acted unilaterally. When Hitler found out he ordered that Hess be shot although it would have been a good shot to pick him out near Glasgow from Germany. And Churchill didn't have Hess arrested. Hess was handed over to the home guard by the farmer who found him. But if Churchill had had him arrested that would hardly have been surprising as Hess was Deputy Fuhrer for a government that we were at war with. He would hardly have been given the freedom of Westminster, a job spying for MI6 and put in charge of minuting meetings of the War Cabinet.


Not a good start for the Rehabiltate Adolf Campaign but keep trying as we all need a laugh every now and again.

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yes hitler was a vegan and a staunch supporter of animal welfare workers welfare, national health womans rights and many more


were as such as cha gavara (not sure on the spelling) we are told he is a hero of the ppl a great revolutionary

i dont think so

he was a war lord mass murderer rapist and thief

im not saying hitler was perfect or never did these thing him self what im saying is your bias is clouding your judgement on this subject


Does anyone know the number for the drugs squad?

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Or maybe it's because Hitler was just a genocidal maniac. Hitler didn't send Hess as a peace envoy. Hess acted unilaterally. When Hitler found out he ordered that Hess be shot although it would have been a good shot to pick him out near Glasgow from Germany. And Churchill didn't have Hess arrested. Hess was handed over to the home guard by the farmer who found him. But if Churchill had had him arrested that would hardly have been surprising as Hess was Deputy Fuhrer for a government that we were at war with. He would hardly have been given the freedom of Westminster, a job spying for MI6 and put in charge of minuting meetings of the War Cabinet.


Not a good start for the Rehabiltate Adolf Campaign but keep trying as we all need a laugh every now and again.


why edit my quote so you dont have to answer questions that are a little harder to find on google try duckduckgo they dont censor :hihi:

why would hitler send his deputy to britain

the story of the farmer is just that a story

and what do you think a peace envoy dose they dont go on parrades


"we must surround the truth with a bodyguard of lies" Winston churchill

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What did he do that was politically wonderful then?

Well he basically wiped unemployment out when he came in and Germany were a mess before he came, he sent Germany from poor to being rich and being able to spend money as well as other policy's that were a success, why don't you read more about him

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