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World's richest women thinks people should work for $2 a day

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are you really that thick or just pretending ?:suspect:


have you ever worked , or are you still at school?

I'll make it simple for you

lets say you went to uni for 4 or 5 years or did an apprenticeship

finally qualified after years of study and hard slog ,then got a job ,then lost it because of imports from the third world who'd work for half your salary just to get out of the hell hole they came from, because they had no workers rights , conditions,or a decent wage.

would you still be making the same statement.?


people like you are needed in africa:hihi:


You are entitled to your opinion regarding my intellect, but it's rude to spell it out like that. Perhaps you should apply your considerable powers of cognition to acquiring some manners.


I actually went to University for 7 years and I work in a field with substantial movement of people internationally. That means that I have to be competitive and earn my way as part of a global workforce. Why should being born in one particular location entitle someone to rights far beyond those of someone born elsewhere?


In your scenario, you'd rather that capable people were condemned to a "hell hole" (your words) while you lived a privileged life through no personal merit other than place of birth? Having lived in a developed country should have given Australians ample opportunity to gain skills that people in developing countries won't have. If they're equally skilled, either the Aussies have been doing something wrong or the "imports" have been working damn hard and deserve the job.

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Thats bang on!

Good post.


No it's not at all. I saw her on a current affairs programme where she said exactly the same as reported on here. So the BBC have not quoted her out of context.

Honestly some people on here would defend those slaughtering the first born if they were a Tory :rant:

And those who accuse others of criticising the rich as doing so out of envy should stop judging others by their own standards.

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Some woman in Australia (the richest woman in the world) who owes her fortune to inheriting a mining empire, thinks that Australians should stop drinking and smoking and think about being more competitive like the Africans who work for $2 a day.






Surely they should be a lot of support for this woman on here?


She WORKED hard for her mineral rights upon the land did she not? She deserves it. And the plebians should be grateful to work for $2 a day.


What do you think?


What a load of absolute baloney. The woman said nothing about people in Australia working for $2/day. She says she looked at folk in Africa who were prepared to work for $2/day and it worried her.

I think if I were in a business that paid western wages and had to compete on the world markets with competitors that paid $2/day it would worry me too. I don't suppose the customers in China who buy the bulk of the worlds minerals are bothered where the raw materials come from. They will buy from whoever can supply at the lowest cost.


Thats bang on!

Good post.


I see you spotted that too.

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Paying some poor sod $2 a day is most likely the reason this plonker got as wealthy as she did.


What's that saying about "much shall have more...?"


I would think absolutely the opposite. She got rich paying Australians Australian wages in the era when they didn't have to compete on a world market. Now she is paying Australians Australian wages whilst trying to compete against mines in Africa that pay $2 a day.

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I would think absolutely the opposite. She got rich paying Australians Australian wages in the era when they didn't have to compete on a world market. Now she is paying Australians Australian wages whilst trying to compete against mines in Africa that pay $2 a day.


She's nothing but just another privileged pig who's own father once described her as 'a slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant'.


Clearly a greedy talentless pig who wants to make money for herself before her own family and country, it should be legal to shoot filth like her or at least harpoon in her case IMO.


If she could move the mines to Africa then there is no doubt in my mine that that is exactly what she would do.

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She's nothing but just another privileged pig who's own father once described her as 'a slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant'.


Clearly a greedy talentless pig who wants to make money for herself before her own family and country, it should be legal to shoot filth like her or at least harpoon in her case IMO.


*Snorts with laughter*

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She's nothing but just another privileged pig who's own father once described her as 'a slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant'.


Clearly a greedy talentless pig who wants to make money for herself before her own family and country, it should be legal to shoot filth like her or at least harpoon in her case IMO.


If she could move the mines to Africa then there is no doubt in my mine that that is exactly what she would do.


Haha :D Exceptional insult.


Yeah, she's a genuinely horrible person by all accounts, I've read an article on her before somewhere that wasn't exactly flattering.

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She's nothing but just another privileged pig who's own father once described her as 'a slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant'.


Clearly a greedy talentless pig who wants to make money for herself before her own family and country, it should be legal to shoot filth like her or at least harpoon in her case IMO.


If she could move the mines to Africa then there is no doubt in my mine that that is exactly what she would do.


I think the way that mines move to Africa is the customers buy from Africa and the none competitive mines in afluent countries close down. I believe there was once an uncompetitive coal mining industry in England. Before that there were copper mines, tin mines and lead mines. Even iron ore is too expensive to mine here.

It is pretty much the case with everything else. Manufacturing closes in high wage societies and reopens in the third world. The self righteous pontificate about the wages on here and throw insult for each other to sneer about, then go and buy the cheap goods made in China because they cost less.

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I think the way that mines move to Africa is the customers buy from Africa and the none competitive mines in afluent countries close down. I believe there was once an uncompetitive coal mining industry in England. Before that there were copper mines, tin mines and lead mines. Even iron ore is too expensive to mine here.

It is pretty much the case with everything else. Manufacturing closes in high wage societies and reopens in the third world. The self righteous pontificate about the wages on here and throw insult for each other to sneer about, then go and buy the cheap goods made in China because they cost less.


That's right she's really struggling to get by, must be tough only being the worlds richest woman perhaps she should be allowed to shoot a few minors if they have the audacity to ask for a living wage like they do in Africa.

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That's right she's really struggling to get by, must be tough only being the worlds richest woman perhaps she should be allowed to shoot a few minors if they have the audacity to ask for a living wage like they do in Africa.


I never said a word about her wealth, and she never advocated paying miners in Australia anything less than a competitive wage. She merely said that it worried her that she was competing with industries that paid $2/day.


So if you were in industry and in the market for Kryptonite, would you buy from Australia at $100/ton or from Africa at $50/ton knowing Australian mines were paying their workers $100/day and the African competition $2? Simple question..

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