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Does anyone know where I can buy a gollywog

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I never heard of western oriental gentlemen but it could mean the first black men from the east coming to the west....i don't know though but I can't think of anything else it could of meant


It's always as I understood the phase to mean!...But then I'm an old fart...Western Oriental Gentlemen! I agree it doesn't make a lot of sense, but then again, in the days when it was prevelent, people didn't know a lot about where places were!

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The first eastern men coming to the west (america)...slavery was rife in America back then


Naaaa...I'm pretty sure the first Jamaican immigrants came after the war....I understand there was a reason, but I'm not sure what it was...They came of their own free will and settled in the UK....It was 'they' who were called '****...Oooops I see the mods have banned the word...Shall we say Western Oriental Gentlemen'. At the time I don't think it was meant as a derogatory term.


I remember as kid, my parents used to 'foster' children, as I have in my time. This was waaaay back in the 60's and we had some black children stay with us for a while. I seem to remember it was quite a novelty, as I'd never seen anyone who was 'black' before then. But we treated them just the same as anyone else! They were lovely!

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In the US Italians are still given the nick name WOP doesn't seem to bother them, originates from when they arrived to Ellis island in droves, most had WOP written on their backs going though customs ,meaning Without Papers.


Brits still get called Limeys , doesn't bother them either.

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In the US Italians are still given the nick name WOP doesn't seem to bother them, originates from when they arrived to Ellis island in droves, most had WOP written on their backs going though customs ,meaning Without Papers.


Brits still get called Limeys , doesn't bother them either.


And 'poms' in Australia....I went there in the 60's and it didn't bother me either!

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I have but was told it was Worldly Oriental Gentelmen, by Great Aunts who died years ago aged in their 90's so it must be an old saying.




Just because you havn't heard it doesn't mean it doesn't exsists.


Yes it is an old saying....I knew it from the late fifties/early sixties.

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In the US Italians are still given the nick name WOP doesn't seem to bother them, originates from when they arrived to Ellis island in droves, most had WOP written on their backs going though customs ,meaning Without Papers.
Really popps? I wouldn't dare walk into Manhatten proclaiming I was looking for a 'WOP' restaurant, the outcome might not be pleasurable from my perspective.

Brits still get called Limeys , doesn't bother them either.


It's about context isn't it? If your son had been in a predominantly black school and came home everyday complaining that his classmates referred to him as a 'limey', rather than use his real name you'd probably have a different view of the term.

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Naaaa...I'm pretty sure the first Jamaican immigrants came after the war....I understand there was a reason, but I'm not sure what it was...They came of their own free will and settled in the UK....It was 'they' who were called '****...Oooops I see the mods have banned the word...Shall we say Western Oriental Gentlemen'. At the time I don't think it was meant as a derogatory term.
I think that's pretty much right PeteMorris, the acronym was given that benign meaning I guess to ameliorate the offence it was creating. In all my years I've never heard of a Chinese bloke living in Britain being described as a wog! ;)


I remember as kid, my parents used to 'foster' children, as I have in my time. This was waaaay back in the 60's and we had some black children stay with us for a while. I seem to remember it was quite a novelty, as I'd never seen anyone who was 'black' before then. But we treated them just the same as anyone else! They were lovely!


But you probably didn't refer to them as **** though, otherwise they would have taken a dump in the cornflakes :hihi:

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In the US Italians are still given the nick name WOP doesn't seem to bother them, originates from when they arrived to Ellis island in droves, most had WOP written on their backs going though customs ,meaning Without Papers.


Brits still get called Limeys , doesn't bother them either.



Jews had little stars on their tunics, meaning they were head of the class, didn't bother them.:rolleyes:

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