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Should online porn be an opt-in service?

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How would they block it anyway? With crappy filters of course! We all know that cities like Scunthorpe would disappear from the map, and you'd have trouble finding your old mate Richard on Facebook, not to mention your Aunt Fanny, and school kids would never find out what the male chickens are called, etc. etc. It's plain daft, and what's more, what's wrong with porn anyway? If consenting adults wish to make it, I don't see why other adults can't watch it!


The responsibility is that of the parents. Once you reach adulthood, it's a free world!

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My experience of 'kids' these days, is that they know far more about computers and the internet than their parents do. If there's parental controls or 'big brother' filters, I would imagine it's easy-peasy for most of them to work around it. If something is not meant to be seen, and there's something there to stop them seeing it, chances are, they will be even more keen to see it, just to be rebellious!

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No it shouldn't. It's trying to take more responsibility from parents. You can already do all this through your ISP to varying degrees and it's easy enough to setup at home if not.


Basically it seems to be another "but think of the kids" bill. It's nothing to do with make kids safer, it's yet another step towards blocking what you can see on the net. Do you honestly want us to become like China?

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I think as soon as parents control their childrens behaviour,gaming habits and other online activity they can control mine.


I've never been as shocked as i was viewing some peoples Facebook pages including children and young teens.Their behaviour and pictures are undesirable.

Give me "adult" porn any day.

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We all know that cities like Scunthorpe would disappear from the map,


You say this like it's a bad thing?


A world without Scunthorpe, no Arsenal on TV, and no Simon Cowell if they're not allowed to show penises. (Penii?)

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It's not hard to 'opt-out' of online porn.


The way I see it, it's another case of neglectful parents whose children have discovered it at a young age, therefore it's obviously the internet's fault and not theirs :suspect:



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