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Should online porn be an opt-in service?

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No, Govt control of the internet will be it's downfall.


As others have said it should be down to the parents excercising discipline and control over their child & making sure that their kids are adhering to the rules set by them.


As soon as the ISP start doing this, you're gonna start seeing headlines like "BT allowed my 10yr old to access porn - I want compensation!"


It's the same with mainstream age-restricted entertainment. Parents go out and buy restricted content, lets say for instance, Call Of Duty, an 18 certificate game and then proceed to give it to little 12 yr old Johnny.


Little Johnny then goes out and does something violent, not necessarily because of the game yet the parents start bleating to the press about how this 'extremely violent game leads kids to do bad things' omitting the fact that as parents they shouldn't have been allowing him access to it in the first place!

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The government have been holding a consultation about whether Internet Service Providers should block online porn unless the user opts in to receive it.


Those in favour of such a change cite the ready availibilty of porn to children and teens - and the possibility of children accidentally stumbling across such material.


Those against include the inventor of the internet Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the service providers and groups including Big Brother Watch, Open Rights Group and Index on Censorship who felt that "Blocking is trivial to circumvent and it is likely a default blocking system would lull parents into a false sense of security...

A more complex, connected world needs parents to engage more with their children on issues of safety, privacy and personal development."


More on this here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19494045


What do you think?

What do you think ?

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Hmmm. I'm not sure it's a conversation I'd like (not that I'd opt in of course :D) with my broadband supplier or see it highlighted on a bill. What I do or don't do is my business , just like responsible parenting is down to parents and not the state.


I agree with you entirely there is nothing more I can add to the debate. I dont see the problem with self regulation.

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But can you trust those whose interests as porn-purveyors clash with their role as self-regulators?


No the self regulators are the users in this case parents. There is enough filtering software out there already.


My beef as it were with this sort of legislation is with all this nanny state legislation and that is the government feeling the need to regulate everything. They ban smoking in public places. They restrict porn. They were even thinking of taxing fast food at one point. Where is personal responsiblity these days? It should be upto people to look after themselves not government.

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No the self regulators are the users in this case parents. There is enough filtering software out there already.

Sorry. I misunderstood your comment.


My beef as it were with this sort of legislation is with all this nanny state legislation and that is the government feeling the need to regulate everything. They ban smoking in public places. They restrict porn. They were even thinking of taxing fast food at one point. Where is personal responsiblity these days? It should be upto people to look after themselves not government.

You'd be right except that at least a significant proportion of parents are cravenly abdicating responsibility for their children.

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