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Fishing on sheffield canal


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agree with DonWizzle, the basins seem to give a better average weight. i assume that's because you have a captive audience, so to speak.


As it's a bit cold at the moment, I would also try the long stretches but near locks and marinas (find the deeper spots). In my experience these areas can give surprising days in march!


I'll be going next Sunday, not sure exactly where, but a size 20, soft elastic, 1lb bottom and some good sport is what I'm hoping for!


when i go to the canal its usually when the weather warms a bit, baits i use are bread punch, sweetcorn and pellet

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from experience, a very rough method of knowing when the canal is worth going to... look for the temperature to stay above 8c or so at night.


so many other factors though! to be honest I'll go sit in the cold and perhaps get a couple of perch, you can catch them when the canal is 95% iced over haha!

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Just to clarify there is new signage up at Tinsley Marina entrance.


There are Winter and Summer opening hours.


Winter is 8am till 8pm November to March

Summer is 8am till 10pm April to October


Ask any boater if you do get locked in and they will let you out.


If you plan to visit regularly it might be a good investment to buy a CRT key from the lock keeper or a CRT office so you have access to open and close the gate. Last I knew they were around £6. This will then allow you use of the toilet facilities.


Just as an additional note please be aware that there is no fishing on the bank side from Lock 1 to Lock 2 (where the boats are moored). The tow path is OK.


The rumours about fishing being banned are not true.

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as justme111 says, fishing is allowed from the towpath but one concern the boat owners

have is that some anglers are casting bombs and feeders and hitting the boats. if a window got broken would the angler offer to pay for it? better to play safe and drop your cast short.

another concern is litter. i fished the basins last sunday and when i arrived there was a group of volunteers clearing the bank and hedgerows. the amount of rubbish ( empty groundbait bags, sweetcorn and luncheon meat tins, beer cans etc.) collected was disgusting. i appreciate it's a minority who spoil it for the rest of us but if it carrys on we could lose the fishing altogether.

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When fishing the area around Tinsley Marina, you can use the marina car park. It is open from 8am to 8pm. If you get locked in - see any of the boaters on the lower pond and they will always let you out. The boaters on the top pond are a miserable lot and have in the past tried to shut the gates to trap fishermen's cars inside. Sheffield Council gave £180,000 towards the marina development which also includes the use of the car park by the general public.


When posting it would be advantageous to get your facts right!

If you do happen to get locked in, ANY boater would let you out.

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