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Question about drugs

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Im talking class A like coke.

Are there any legal eagles out there who can settle a dispute?

My cousins daughter (19 years old) has recently been busted for carrying class A. She went to a party in Suffolk somewhere and was caught by the local police with about 3 1/2 gram of coke on her.

Cuz recons that because she states its percy shell get a warning or a fine at most.

I said cos of the amounts she may go to prison.

He thinks im talking rubbish.

I think hes got his head in the clouds.

Whos right?

Its a first offence by the way but again i said that wont matter.

1st offence of 5th offence she could still go down.


Am i right or am i just being a bit negative?


I would suggest that if you want a variety of opinions you are in the right place. If you want seriuos advice see a lawyer, I would think most of them will KNOW what they are talking about.

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the amount would be classed as personal use and is definitely cautionable UNLESS she had said in interview that she was intending to share it with friends - then it would definitely be classed as intent to supply.


Ahh, heres the thing with that. She has apparently told the police its was her mates, not hers.

So on that basis they can get her for dealing??

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he sounds like abit of an idiot imo, he doesn't even sound bothered that his daughter was carrying cocaine in the first place.


He makes my blood boil at times.

He recons as he did it and as he puts it, "it dint do me any arm" then it wont hurt his daughter.

Hes the family idiot if im honest.

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I doubt she'll go to prison if I'm honest, but it'll be more than a slap on the wrists. I've had clients sent down for less, but not on a first offence. It's definitely going to be intent to supply though.


Bear in mind, her plea will affect her sentence. Guilty plea means lower sentence.


If she's in Sheffield, there are certain judges who will possibly send her down, but not many.

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I would have though the fact she has been charged with PWITS class A should have sounded alarm bells and serious advice sought.


Without doubting what you are saying - it would be sensible to wait for the paperwork from the CPS - then you can see for yourself in what circumstances she was arrested and crucially what was said in interview.


Until you know all the facts it is difficult to give a proper opinion. She needs to get a solicitor and quickly. At least at that point what actually took place may become clearer.


The fact she is of good character is important in terms of sentence but good character can't always save a person from immediate custody.

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Anybody who is involved with drugs, and I dont mean anadin or owt else legal from a chemist,that's before the idiots start jumping in with their sarcasm, should be chucked in jail, and put em on bread and watter for a few year, or stand em in a line and shoot em.:suspect:

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1g is often enough to warrant charging with "intent to supply".


Sentencing Guidelines look at 5g being the lower level for "intent to supply".


Guilty of Possession of 3.5g means at least a fine with the threat of prison still being there.




According to the linked PDF; for a 'significant role' in the supply of class A, the starting point for sentencing is:


10 years for Very Large amounts [2.5kg - 10kg]

3 years for Very Small amounts [up to 4.9g]


For Very Small amounts, it's about 1 year per gram.

For Very Large amounts, it's about 1 year per kilo gram.


So, per gram, sentencing is 1000 times worse, for Very Small amounts, than it is for Very Large amounts.


It pays to deal in Very Large amounts?

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the amount would be classed as personal use and is definitely cautionable UNLESS she had said in interview that she was intending to share it with friends - then it would definitely be classed as intent to supply.


Yeah, basically the police will try and trick her into grassing herself up that's why its best to keep silent in those situations. They will try and maximise the situation to guarantee a conviction as just having the substance will not normally call for a supplying charge.

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personaly i think they will give her a fine maybe community service a conditional discharge and may be a drugs awareness course ,

as someone eles said it all depends what she said in interview

if she no commented in interview (which im sure here solicitor would advise her to )she may be ok but if she mentioned anything about sharing it then shes up a certain creek without a paddle

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Anybody who is involved with drugs, and I dont mean anadin or owt else legal from a chemist,that's before the idiots start jumping in with their sarcasm, should be chucked in jail, and put em on bread and watter for a few year, or stand em in a line and shoot em.:suspect:


What a stupid idea.

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