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Question about drugs

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Street cocaine has varying degrees of %purity. The fact an amount has say 10% cocaine simply means its been cut and bashed for the street - the closer you get to source the higher the purity and that is undoubtedly a factor in sentencing.


I think the Op asked for advice not a lecture on the rights and wrongs and provocative rather silly comments are not helpful to the OP or the relative he is doing his best to help.

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I also forgot to add,OP,is that she should be told to attend the police station at certain dates.Depending on the CPSs decision she will be told at one of her visits for bail that (1) she will be attending court or (2) the police will issue a caution,there and then.

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I mean that they aren't evil or good or have an agenda, they aren't sentient. Obviously they have a physical effect


Well, when you say "they don't do anything", you can see how people would take that to mean "they have no effect on a person, physically or otherwise"?

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Alcohol was normalised in British culture hundreds of years ago, probably because it was safer to drink than water at the time; normalising additional intoxicating substances to the culture isn't going to help things.


Doesn't alter the fact that alcohol is an intoxicating substance thats normalised within british culture. Making excuses for it based on its legality and because its the drug of choice for millions also doesn't alter the fact its an addictive killer that ruins lives as much as other drugs that are illegal

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Im talking class A like coke.

Are there any legal eagles out there who can settle a dispute?

My cousins daughter (19 years old) has recently been busted for carrying class A. She went to a party in Suffolk somewhere and was caught by the local police with about 3 1/2 gram of coke on her.

Cuz recons that because she states its percy shell get a warning or a fine at most.

I said cos of the amounts she may go to prison.

He thinks im talking rubbish.

I think hes got his head in the clouds.

Whos right?

Its a first offence by the way but again i said that wont matter.

1st offence of 5th offence she could still go down.


Am i right or am i just being a bit negative?


Has she got a solicitor?

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