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How Jehovahs witnesses handle child abuse

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How they handle child abuse?


Well I thought we already knew the answer to that one as they refuse to allow children a blood transfusion when needed which is nothing but child abuse.


Then there is the brainwashing of children at an early age into a peculiar sect of religion which is also child abuse.


Do you need any more examples or will those do.

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funny most of the children in the world are brainwashed into the culture they are born into be it christian , muslim, hindu etc

Jehovahs witnesses only teach there children what they believe then allow them to make the choice of baptism or not when they are old enough to understand


Jehovahs witnesses choose none blood medical management, in cases where the child is too young to choose for themselves, if life is at risk the dr/ surgeon makes the final decicion and the parents respectfully accept that

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It's quite ironic that we find an advocate of the JW's trying to spin the organisation as a positive one where child abuse is concerned.


Did anybody else see that "Sparlock" video that went viral a few months ago?


The Pixar styled video that the the Society actually distributed for all Jehovah’s Witness kids to see. They actually spent real money on it, went through some sort of editorial process to write it, tweak it, and bring it to life, then produced thousands of DVDs and spread them far and wide, all without realizing just how bizarre and creepifying it would be for those of us who do not exist within their stifling bubble of disjointed magazine covers and old guys in black suits.


I notice it's been pulled from YouTube now, and every available video site I could find, due to copyright claims by Watchtower as they no doubt realised how bad it made them seem. But it's probably out there somewhere if you search.


The video is just emotional blackmail, guilt tripping .... basically how to screw up your kids. Child abuse.

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you can order a copy at your local kingdom hall free of charge


it only encourages good morals and respect for parents and God , something sadly lacking in the part of yorkshire i live in among children and youths


It's creepy child abuse.


But at least it's resulted in Sparlock the Warrior Wizard becoming a cool character:





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you can order a copy at your local kingdom hall free of charge


it only encourages good morals and respect for parents and God , something sadly lacking in the part of yorkshire i live in among children and youths


Ok so please tell me why your sky pixie knows more about morals and religion than his great pastaness the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

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we have all learnt something today.......all that JWs seem to do about child abuse is link to dodgy websites.




.....not sure its useful information but I have learnt it.


a more interesting question-what do people do about jehovas witnesses?


my preferred method is to answer the door and reply, when asked whether I care about starving children, animals, environment etc, "I don't care about them no!"


it works with all of them door knocker people:hihi:


I am considering adding churchies to my "no junk mail" sign.


can you buy fake blood transfusion apparatus? I could answer the door connected to it!

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Watchtower’s New “Toy Story” – What Parents Need To Know


Though short, the films are made to a very high standard of animation, not unlike those standards found in the well-known “Toy Story” movies. However, it is sad to note that, though visually impressive, this new DVD seems determined to undermine and weaken a young child’s critical thinking and reasoning skills. Nothing illustrates this more clearly than a story depicting young Caleb being coerced with false reasoning by his mother into throwing away a toy wizard that has been given to him as a gift by a friend. The explanation? Because, apparently, “Jehovah hates it”.


Emotional manipulation and taking all the fun out of being a child. :(


Edit: The video is in the link above.

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funny most of the children in the world are brainwashed into the culture they are born into be it christian , muslim, hindu etc

Jehovahs witnesses only teach there children what they believe then allow them to make the choice of baptism or not when they are old enough to understand


Jehovahs witnesses choose none blood medical management, in cases where the child is too young to choose for themselves, if life is at risk the dr/ surgeon makes the final decicion and the parents respectfully accept that


Are you a new jehovah's witness by any chance?. You don't even let people close their doors without finding any chance you can to promote yourselves, and I am sorry but no means no, much the same with rape and child abuse.


You are no different to any of the religions you claim are false and indoctrinate children just as much if not more than any other. Your having a discussion with someone who was raised a jehovah's witness, attended meetings, had book studies, knows a fair few elders from various congregations and once I was old enough to use logical reasoning the Jehovah's witness organization became a very clear "bad association, spoiling useful habits".


You actively dismiss, disfellowship and shun those who do not follow the "truth", I saw members of my family lose friendships of over 30 years due to making a decision for themselves, rather than being supported through decisions they deemed bad, she was cast out. You actively incite hatred within the family unit and have zero tolerance for anything that marks either a persons identity or enjoyment with others not following the "truth". Growing up with no christmas, birthdays, easter, bonfire night, and many others really helps to segragate the children of jehovah's witnesses.


Personally unless your an elder and can answer some more probing questions i would not bother as you will only help to make what you have just done look even more suspect.

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My friend at school was a JW. She wasn't allowed to come to my birthday party :(


Years later I caught up with her.


She and her sister had been disfellowshipped, a couple of years previously to seeing her again, as the sister nearly died in childbirth through haemorrhage needing a blood transfusion, and my schoolfriend had signed an authorisation for her to be given the blood she needed to survive.

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