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Immigration problem

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That's an interesting perspective you put on the 'problem' Corkers. It's usual when discussing integration to blame immigrants for not integrating with the world around them, rather than the other way round, I've always believed it's a two way street, and my experience of immigrants is based on my encounters with them.


When you dig a little deeper I've found that they're generally just like us..they have ambition, want a peaceful life, successful children to get on with their neighbours. That's of course not to say they don't have their own delinquents, extremists and general arses within their communities.


I don't know how old you are Corkers, but people of my generation probably find it more difficult to integrate than the younger ones, but I view that as my shortcoming, not the immigrants. I'm often mildy surprised when I hear my youngest mention a foreign name when referring to his schoolmates..to people of his generation it's perfectly normal, it isn't always complimentary but nor are his references to all his British cohorts either.


I'm coming up to 32 mate, I have played for a Bengali football team before and have load's of friends from all over the world, I'm an open minded guy, but in my opinion white people generally don't mix neither want to with these immigrants, it is probably the same for the immigrants as you can sense they know they are frowned upon generally...

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I'm coming up to 32 mate, I have played for a Bengali football team before and have load's of friends from all over the world, I'm an open minded guy, but in my opinion white people generally don't mix neither want to with these immigrants, it is probably the same for the immigrants as you can sense they know they are frowned upon generally...


Didn't know you were such a baby Corkers ;) You're of my eldest's generation, he too has a wide circle of associations and would probably endorse everything you say.


Mind you, Bengali football team? There's integration, and there's Corker's integration! :hihi:

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Slightly establishes my point, the country is what you make, if they were so grievously upset by things here, they'd stop whining and adopt some of the pioneering spirit of the immigrants who leave their native lands and families behind and their forebears who left these shores to better themselves.


Who says anyone is grievously upset and how would it solve global over population if everyone just swaps countries.


One could use your argument for the people that don't like our currant government, if they hate it so much they could just leave the country, or they could do what they are doing and fight for a better government.

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its time the immigrants went home. Lets but British people first for once.


There are many who claim that this country needs immigrants, there are others who think that we do not. We never appear to find a solution. The real solution is to give it a go. We should send all the immigrants home for ...say...three years. Then if at the end of that time we find that we really miss them and need them, we can invite them back. Perfect solution!:)

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There are many who claim that this country needs immigrants, there are others who think that we do not. We never appear to find a solution. The real solution is to give it a go. We should send all the immigrants home for ...say...three years. Then if at the end of that time we find that we really miss them and need them, we can invite them back. Perfect solution!:)


Can we keep the kebab shop owners and Chinese restaurant owners? I would miss them very much. :)

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