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Immigration problem

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You appear to have formed the rather arrogant opinion that immigrants are indispensable....


Only in response to your arrogant (and naive) opinion that they aren't.


If you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the work that do immigrants do in this country and how the loss of their skills can be matched by homegrown labour then I'll be more than happy to listen to what you have to say and respond to your proposals.

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But immigrants are needed hence why no government will ever really cap or stop immigration, idigenous whitey simply cannot be relied upon anymore to do menial jobs, BME immigration is imperative for this countrys survival.


I wouldn't confine the definition to 'indigenous whitey', 'indigenous darkie' would also struggle.


Incidentally, the House of Lords report on Immigration in 2008 found that immigrants weren't just employed doing menial jobs:


"The submission from the Bank of England showed that, although employed

across all occupations, immigrants are concentrated at the high and low skill

end of the occupation distribution (p 401). The City of London illustrates

this range of occupations, where immigrants are widely found among the

staff of the restaurants serving financial executives, many of whom are also

immigrants. Overall, more foreign-born workers are in highly-skilled jobs

than the UK-born (49% vs 42%), with similar levels for elementary

occupations (12% vs 11%)."



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People on here often moan about immigrants. One of the most logical arguments against immigration is lack of space, which is understandable. So the solution should be simple. We have a lot of immigrants comming to this country from war torn parts working hard paying taxes etc and we have lots of chavs in this country banging out kids and causing trouble.


The solution is simple accept the hard working imigrants and deport the chavs. We will then have a nice and pleasant country of people wanting to make a decent life for themselves.


Today latest news; birth rate in uk biggest boom in Europe, reason

; immigrants. No further comment required!

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The immigration "problem", from our point of view, will only stop when living standards are raised and a real and proper rule of law is established in the places where the immigrants are coming from; until then, many people will continue to leave their homelands and seek a better life elswhere. Who can blame them, wouldnt you do the same?

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