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Immigration problem

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People on here often moan about immigrants. One of the most logical arguments against immigration is lack of space, which is understandable. So the solution should be simple. We have a lot of immigrants comming to this country from war torn parts working hard paying taxes etc and we have lots of chavs in this country banging out kids and causing trouble.


The solution is simple accept the hard working imigrants and deport the chavs. We will then have a nice and pleasant country of people wanting to make a decent life for themselves.


I don't think the problem is the lack of space. People should be free to go wherever they want, start a new life, work.

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In agreement with the economic reason already stated. Yes they pay taxes and pay for food. BUT it's the DISPOSABLE income that's not being spent in Britain which is harming our economic recovery.


Here's another thing, There are 3 million on JSA. That is a labour excess which means there is an employment shortage, yet the country continues to "import" labour.


It's COMMON SENSE when you have too much of one thing and not enough of another, you HALT the gain.




You have a bath and it's already 3/4 full but you want to fill it so you turn on the taps. When it's full you STOP the taps, the bath cannot support any more water


The bath is our job market, the water is the labour market and the taps represent immigration.


In the UK, someone left the taps WIDE OPEN and no-one is willing to shut them off so the water is overflowing.


We need to stop letting the migrants in until those that are already here have jobs, not opening those taps until the water level dips.

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Not according to the Polish government, they benefited from a 13 billion boost to their economy because of the money being sent back by polish immigrants.


Poland are now benifitting greatly from skills honed in the UK and are competing with us from their own country.

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