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Immigration problem

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The point is that it’s not equal, if an equal number of British people migrated then their wouldn’t be a problem, the problem exists because more people arrive in the UK than leave.


But you see the argument is a 3 dimensional one, the point I was addressing wasn't about numbers, it was about revenue and another poster whining about how much income immigrants send out of the country.


Well it doesn't take too much cognitive thinking to believe that your average Brit working abroad and sending money home isn't likely to be screwing carrot tops in some farmers field, they're likely to be semi skilled or more likely highly skilled, so the revenues being sent home to their families are likely to be far higher than say a Pole doing the same thing.


To be honest, I'm only sticking my finger in the air and doing some guessing but the fact remains you can't look at what Poles are sending home without an appreciation or acceptance that Brits working abroad do the exact same thing...it isn't a hanging offence, however as usual posters with a grievous agenda are unable to participate in a proper discussion about the salient points (I'm not referring to you btw), but I'm afraid I'm not going to join in the "I 'ate immigrunts", kind of dialogue just because it's a popular political football to stick up ones jumper and play with.

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But you see the argument is a 3 dimensional one, the point I was addressing wasn't about numbers, it was about revenue and another poster whining about how much income immigrants send out of the country.


Well it doesn't take too much cognitive thinking to believe that your average Brit working abroad and sending money home isn't likely to be screwing carrot tops in some farmers field, they're likely to be at least semi skilled or more likely highly skilled, so the revenues being sent home to their families are likely to be far higher than say a Pole doing the same thing.


To be honest, I'm only sticking my finger in the air and doing some guessing but the fact remains you can't look at one Poles are sending home without an appreciation or acceptance that Brits working abroad do the exact same thing...it isn't a hanging offence, however as usual posters with a grievous agenda are unable to participate in a proper discussion about the salient points (I'm not referring to you btw), but I'm afraid I'm not going to join in the "I 'ate immigrunts", kind of dialogue just because it's a popular political football to stick up ones jumper and play with.


Do you have any evidence to support this idea of yours or are you just guessing.

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In agreement with the economic reason already stated. Yes they pay taxes and pay for food. BUT it's the DISPOSABLE income that's not being spent in Britain which is harming our economic recovery.


Here's another thing, There are 3 million on JSA. That is a labour excess which means there is an employment shortage, yet the country continues to "import" labour.


It's COMMON SENSE when you have too much of one thing and not enough of another, you HALT the gain.




You have a bath and it's already 3/4 full but you want to fill it so you turn on the taps. When it's full you STOP the taps, the bath cannot support any more water


The bath is our job market, the water is the labour market and the taps represent immigration.


In the UK, someone left the taps WIDE OPEN and no-one is willing to shut them off so the water is overflowing.


We need to stop letting the migrants in until those that are already here have jobs, not opening those taps until the water level dips.


Your analogy has a mistake though. The economy is not fixed. It can grow, shrink etc.


The 'bath' is not of constant size.


Unemployment is not determined by the amount of work available, it is the incentives to work which determine it.

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I said in my post that I was 'guessing', but surely you're not going to claim that Brits working abroad don't send money back to the UK?


I'm sure some do but not on the scale that is being sent out, which I don't have a majored problem with, I hope that it bolsters their economy to the point where they can create jobs faster than the UK.

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Lots of foreigners come scrounging in England. How many. English people go abroad to scrounge? I thought that I would throw this one in since it seems obvious that some do not wish to keep to the discussion topic.


Quite a few, for instance all the over 60's who live in sunny spain and other countrys yet still claim winter fuel allowance. :hihi:

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Your analogy has a mistake though. The economy is not fixed. It can grow, shrink etc.


The 'bath' is not of constant size.


Unemployment is not determined by the amount of work available, it is the incentives to work which determine it.


I grant you it's not the perfect analogy but it's enough to give the jist of the argument.


The fact is we shouldn't be taking on more than we need and with 3 million surplus we have more than we need.


You talk of incentive, well that's what needs concentrating on, solving the real issue rather than using sticking plaster methods to hold it together.

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