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Immigration problem

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The big difference being they are still scrounging from the UK and not the country they are living in.:roll:

Instead of blaming immigrants, why don't you blame the government instead.., I'm sure if you was living in their shoes, you would want to come to UK too

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Instead of blaming immigrants, why don't you blame the government instead.. I'm sure if you was living in their shoes, you would want to come to UK too


If you take the time to read my posts you will see that I don’t blame immigrants for anything, I place100% of the blame for all our problems at the governments door.

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You accused them of scrounging, i don't need to read anymore


Did I, and are you saying that no one scrounges?

And if they do it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of the people that allow them to scrounge.





Seek to obtain (something, typically food or money) at the expense or through the generosity of others or by stealth.

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People like Halibut who seems to bust a gut protecting immigrants ought to spend a year living bang in the middle of a street full of Eastern Europeans,I guarantee they would quickly change their tune.


..and people who bust a gut denouncing immigrants ought to spend a year familiarising themselves with the majority (not all) of immigrants who come here to work, contribute and are thoroughly nice people.


Personally I wouldn't want to spend a year living on a street of Brits (black or white) who didn't demonstrate those qualities-and there are plenty enough of them.

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Did I, and are you saying that no one scrounges?

And if they do it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of the people that allow them to scrounge.





Seek to obtain (something, typically food or money) at the expense or through the generosity of others or by stealth.

Have a stroll down Page Hall if you want to see it non of them have anything to contribute to the country all they do is hang around street corners all day,they should not have been let in the county in the first place you can blame the Government for them being here true, it must be costing the country millions to keep them and their constantly expanding broods.

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..and people who bust a gut denouncing immigrants ought to spend a year familiarising themselves with the majority (not all) of immigrants who come here to work, contribute and are thoroughly nice people.


Personally I wouldn't want to spend a year living on a street of Brits (black or white) who didn't demonstrate those qualities-and there are plenty enough of them.

Yes Polish people come here legally to work and have been doing so for years and most of them are decent hard working people who have good English speaking skills and fit in with our way of life and contribute to our country,not hanging under a truck from France claiming asylum or gaining entry on some false papers.

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The UK people do this when there sign on,it's not all immigrants. Most work that come here


Some do, but many have earned the right to sign on because of the taxes they have paid, some are just scroungers that will never do a day’s work in their life, I don't blame them for exploiting the system, I blame the government for using a system that is easy to exploit.

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