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Northern soul lessons


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Aaaahh, 'tis a strange magical dance, usually executed by the over 50's and passed down in a ritual to the younger generation.

I was brought up on Northern Soul as the

Parentals frequented many a Northern club. the best thing to do is go along and just join in, feel the music, watch the moves and have a bloody good time.

Listen to some stuff at home, watch a few vids on Youtube, get the jist of the moves, there's no fixed 'dance' as such. It's difficult to 'teach' unless you've got a mate who's 'hardcore' and can show you some stuff, and TBH the Men are a lot more into it than the Women, it's a 'Peacock' thing, have a good time, enjoy...if you need links to nights that are Northern Soul, just let me know :)

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There are a few moves which are classic 70's Northern Soul dance moves, but as other posters have said, just go along and join in. No one is looking to see who can't dance properly, no one is judging anyone else, so just get on the dance floor and enjoy yourself.

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