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Will Cameron ever be as good as Thatcher!


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You're the one who brought up spelling and grammar. Which was rather amusing, as you're terrible at both.




I don't normally pick up spelling/grammar errors on forums. But as you started it, and seem to take it so seriously, I thought I'd do you the courtesy of helping you to improve yours!


"Here" - no need for a capital after a comma

"always" - capital letter required after an exclamation mark

"," - should be a full stop, you could maybe get away with a semicolon.

"Toffs" - not a proper noun, doesn't require a capital

"," - should be a full stop

"in" - capital letter required after a full stop

"." - should be a question mark.


The fact that you start the entire post with "At least I know when to use capital letters" is comedy gold :thumbsup:


ooos boverd, get a life:loopy:

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ooos boverd, get a life:loopy:


Thanks for the advice! I didn't have one before :(. Now I think I think I've discovered my true calling! I think it must be to follow you around this forum and pick up on every spelling mistake you make for the rest of your life!


At last! I have a purpose in life! Cheers regatta :thumbsup:

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Wrong! she started the growth and wealth that would have made this country a leading nation again..........but that was so quickly reduced to rubble by the years of Labour and its inept policies, welfare immigration etc,etc.

Now we may have a chance to turn it around if Cameron has the balls to continue the hard policies that will make us strong again. Unfortunatly you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette:thumbsup:[/QUOTE]


Be careful you might be one of the eggs. just like the miners under that old cow


:hihi::hihi: Miners ??? .....again ! really??... that old chestnut:loopy: i have many friends that were miners and did pretty well actually earning plenty more than the national average for the time, took the money and invested it sensibly instead of striking and banging on about the "right to work", most work for themselves now and joined us, winners and losers! which one are you?:P

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Cameron cant compete with Thatcher as there is little left for him to make sweeping changes to. About the only thing left for him to mess with is the public sector and benefits and he's doing a good job of messing them up.


People seem to forget that Thatcher acted on industries which despite being heavily subsidised by the taxpayer had been making heavy losses for several years. She cut out the deadwood, streamlined them and then sold them on. The EEC may also have had a role as I think it was also around that time that they were wanting industry subsidies to be cut to make them more competitive.


The industries that survived are now in profit and the taxpayer no longer contributes in propping them up.

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Cameron cant compete with Thatcher as there is little left for him to make sweeping changes to. About the only thing left for him to mess with is the public sector and benefits and he's doing a good job of messing them up.


People seem to forget that Thatcher acted on industries which despite being heavily subsidised by the taxpayer had been making heavy losses for several years. She cut out the deadwood, streamlined them and then sold them on. The EEC may also have had a role as I think it was also around that time that they were wanting industry subsidies to be cut to make them more competitive.


The industries that survived are now in profit and the taxpayer no longer contributes in propping them up.




The bankers have been subsidised to a much greater degree than any nationalised industry ever was. Nationalised industries kept people employed in proper jobs and allowed a man to earn a real wage. What Thatcher actually did was destroy self respect and replace it with a feeling of helplessness . That legacy remains and festers.

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Cameron cant compete with Thatcher as there is little left for him to make sweeping changes to. About the only thing left for him to mess with is the public sector and benefits and he's doing a good job of messing them up.


People seem to forget that Thatcher acted on industries which despite being heavily subsidised by the taxpayer had been making heavy losses for several years. She cut out the deadwood, streamlined them and then sold them on. The EEC may also have had a role as I think it was also around that time that they were wanting industry subsidies to be cut to make them more competitive.


The industries that survived are now in profit and the taxpayer no longer contributes in propping them up.


What about the ones that aren't profiltable that still get subsidised, or the ones that are profitable and still get subsidised?


Nuclear? Railways?


Maybe sometimes there is a good reason for subsidising. Maybe sometimes not.


Do you think that we have enough manufacturing industry in this country? Do you think the sector is big enough? Do we need to rebalance away from finance?

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