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Will Cameron ever be as good as Thatcher!


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Thatcher sold the indusrties on alright. For example the railways, STILL swallowing up massive subsidies despite charging fares TEN TIMES their European counterparts.

Is it any wonder Mr Branson is seething ?? He's going to lose his 'nice little earner', its going to be given to one of Camerons mates. That other bent politician Tony B LIAR looked after his mates as well.

To stop the rot, first we need honest politicians, there we are, buggered before we start.

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Can any one really distinguish one party from another now.:huh:


Yep, only the tories enjoy pushing people around and bullying them. What is it, middle income families, police, teachers, the NHS, public sector workers, unemployed, disabled? And that's only a few.

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Thanks for the advice! I didn't have one before :(. Now I think I think I've discovered my true calling! I think it must be to follow you around this forum and pick up on every spelling mistake you make for the rest of your life!


At last! I have a purpose in life! Cheers regatta :thumbsup:


What ever turns you on.:suspect::loopy::gag:

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You are aware that the manufacturing sector is already considerably larger than financial services right?


It's not considerably larger. The UK economy is over 70% service industry based, a sizeable chunk of that is finance related. Manufacturing is less than 15%.

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It's not considerably larger. The UK economy is over 70% service industry based, a sizeable chunk of that is finance related. Manufacturing is less than 15%.


But we are not alone,


Manufacturing Output as a Percent of GDP by Country


For the 14 biggest manufacturing countries in 2008, the overall manufacturing GDP percentage was 23.7% of GDP in 1980 and dropped to 17% in 2008. I left India (15% in 1980, 15% in 2008), Mexico (20%, 18%), Canada (17%, 13%), Spain (25%, 14%) and Russia (21% in 1990 [it was part of USSR in 1980], 15%) off the chart.


Over the last few decades Korea, and to some extent China, are the only countries that have increased the percent of GDP from manufacturing. China has not only grown manufacturing activity tremendously but also other areas of the economy (construction, mining, information technology). The countries with the largest manufacturing portions of their economies in 2008 were: China 32%, South Korea 25%, Japan and Germany at 21%. The next highest is Mexico at 18% which declined slightly over the last 15 years (with NAFTA in place). Globally, while manufacturing has grown, other areas of economic activity have been growing faster than manufacturing.


So how do we increase it and compete with countries that can and do pay their workers much less.

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It's not considerably larger. The UK economy is over 70% service industry based, a sizeable chunk of that is finance related. Manufacturing is less than 15%.


Services is the not same as financial services though, which is a commn misconception (not saying that you think so) but a lot of people seem to hear "services" and think 70% of the country is dependant on banking.


It's not. More like about 9%. Manufacturing is nearly twice the size of financial services. Surely the services sector is large, but for a country that has little resources left that are easily useable, a tertiary or quarternery econmy is what we need anyway. The only resource we are lacking is skilled workers sadly and we need to keep on top of that. But I digress...

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What about the banks?


Like that's the Tories fault! Some of the stuff on this thread makes me want to spit my king tiger prawn sandwich out. As for the insinuation that I drink Cristal (in your fictional quote of mine), it's Chardonnay grape, over priced rubbish. Just because me and the boys at the gentlemans club have money to burn from our entrepreneurial exploits of the 80s (thanks again Magz), it does not mean we waste it on overpriced champers!

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Like that's the Tories fault! Some of the stuff on this thread makes me want to spit my king tiger prawn sandwich out. As for the insinuation that I drink Cristal (in your fictional quote of mine), it's Chardonnay grape, over priced rubbish. Just because me and the boys at the gentlemans club have money to burn from our entrepreneurial exploits of the 80s (thanks again Magz), it does not mean we waste it on overpriced champers!


All bankers are tories, so it was the tories who caused our present problems. This is common knowledge.

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