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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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I.e the universe is finite is what I think you mean...


(and it's unlikely to contract, dark energy seems to be doing a good job of pushing it apart forever)


No I mean the universe in infinite, if it’s not what beyond it?


I don't think they fully understand dark energy yet, but even if the universe doesn’t contract an infinite universe can expand forever.


Or some parts of the universe could be contracting whilst other parts are expanding.

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Why do you believe in God ,you could be of any religion or faith , for what reason did you come to have that faith or what makes you believe in God ?

for me it is everything you see around you ie/ from flowers to the universe , the earth and how finely tuned it is with a protective shield , a water cycle ,Photosynthesis, the air we breath , nature etc these cause me to believe someone must have designed them . also the human mind how we have a capability to think beyond what we see , think beyond death and even think about this subject .



This was my original post , i was only wanting some positive replies as to why people believe in God all i got was nasty comments from unbelievers ? can we get back on topic please ?? i only want personal experiences of faith not the angst of the unbeliever :@

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Does there have to be anything beyond it? Serious question, until you can show there must be something beyond it then the argument is moot.


If the universe was curved which it isn't then No because it would just fold back on its self, but it’s flat so a finite universe would have an edge, a point where it exists and then it doesn't. If it’s expanding it must be expanding into something at the edge.

Being infinite resolves these problems.

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You might double it in length, but it halves in width. The area of it stays the same...


Now take that elastic band to an infinite size in all direction, half of infinity is infinity, double infinity is infinity, its can expand and contract without increasing or decreasing in size.

Has it’s expanding the matter appears to move apart, has it contracts assuming it will then the matter will appear to move together.

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