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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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This was my original post , i was only wanting some positive replies as to why people believe in God all i got was nasty comments from unbelievers ? can we get back on topic please ?? i only want personal experiences of faith not the angst of the unbeliever :@


Hiya psalm8318.


I have attempted to engage with you without any "nasty comments". I asked you a question in response to a statement you made. Would you do me the courtesy of providing an answer?

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I honestly don't know what to believe. I have a logical and technical mind, and I'm a lot closer to my demise than many people here. I would clearly like to believe in life after death, but I'm far from sure. But its the ultimate mystery. If we were all like those muslims that flew into the twin towers believing they were going to heaven for 40 virgins apiece, there would be nobody left on earth, at least no men. But look at the Universe, in all the known galaxy there is but one place known to have the mixture of air, water, and temperature to support billions of people and all things bright and beautiful. It's an imperfect balance of male and female in all species, some at home in the sky, under the water, and on land. It's an incredible piece of engineering, and I can't accept it as all due to evolution. So who created it?

If anyone has a certain knowledge of it, let me know. I don't need theories, I've had a skinful of those.:confused:

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No it can't - there are many different types. Hilbert's Hotel is an example of how to visualise them.


Hilberts example assumes that you can empty every odd room number. The trouble is that you cant do that as you will never be able to get to any last number because of the nature of infinity.


Its a good mathematical exercise that requires you to assume that all odd numbered rooms can be emptied.

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Hilberts example assumes that you can empty every odd room number. The trouble is that you cant do that as you will never be able to get to any last number because of the nature of infinity.


Its a good mathematical exercise that requires you to assume that all odd numbered rooms can be emptied.


The argument fails though because you havent shown that you cannot get to the end of the list. If that was a necessary bar then infinity itself would be unworkable and so would your concept of say an infinite universe.

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Hiya psalm8318.


I have attempted to engage with you without any "nasty comments". I asked you a question in response to a statement you made. Would you do me the courtesy of providing an answer?


Since faith is a personal thing why does it need to be shared. Also since Psalm is a believer why do they need to know how others believe. I think thier comment was down to not liking the response they are getting. They are simply looking for pro faith comments to put in the next issue of watchtower.


Also if my comment earlier about how many people has god killed upsets psalm then I am sorry I only quote the bible I didnt write it.

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The argument fails though because you havent shown that you cannot get to the end of the list. If that was a necessary bar then infinity itself would be unworkable and so would your concept of say an infinite universe.


I don't need to show that as the nature of infinity does that already. "To continue with no end" is usually how its defined.

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Why do you believe in God ,you could be of any religion or faith , for what reason did you come to have that faith or what makes you believe in God ?

for me it is everything you see around you ie/ from flowers to the universe , the earth and how finely tuned it is with a protective shield , a water cycle ,Photosynthesis, the air we breath , nature etc these cause me to believe someone must have designed them . also the human mind how we have a capability to think beyond what we see , think beyond death and even think about this subject .


The only person you should believe in is yourself, if you don't, your in a world of you know what.

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