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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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This was my original post , i was only wanting some positive replies as to why people believe in God all i got was nasty comments from unbelievers ? can we get back on topic please ?? i only want personal experiences of faith not the angst of the unbeliever :@


How many deaths have been caused by the 'angst of the unbeliever'? over the centuries and right up to the present day? Is this part of God's plan?

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How many deaths have been caused by the 'angst of the unbeliever'? over the centuries and right up to the present day? Is this part of God's plan?


And how many centuries have the rich power in this country been robbing the poor, that's also important! now shout that from your soap box or pulpit, is that gods plan.

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This was my original post , i was only wanting some positive replies as to why people believe in God all i got was nasty comments from unbelievers ? can we get back on topic please ?? i only want personal experiences of faith not the angst of the unbeliever :@


so basically what you are saying is that you are only interested in comments that concur with your own somewhat narrow view of the world and religion in general? If that is the case I am frankly surprised that you came on here in the first place given that this is the LAST place you will ever get unanimity in viewpoints!!!!

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I've just been watching evolution in action, it was an experiment in which bacteria constantly mutated and involved to become antibiotic resistant, the first bacteria couldn’t survive the antibiotic but after just two weeks they had mutated into bacteria that could survive the antibiotic at 1000 times its original strength.

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Why do you believe in God ,you could be of any religion or faith , for what reason did you come to have that faith or what makes you believe in God ?

for me it is everything you see around you ie/ from flowers to the universe , the earth and how finely tuned it is with a protective shield , a water cycle ,Photosynthesis, the air we breath , nature etc these cause me to believe someone must have designed them . also the human mind how we have a capability to think beyond what we see , think beyond death and even think about this subject .


Were your parents religious?

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I've just been watching evolution in action, it was an experiment in which bacteria constantly mutated and involved to become antibiotic resistant, the first bacteria couldn’t survive the antibiotic but after just two weeks they had mutated into bacteria that could survive the antibiotic at 1000 times its original strength.


Fascinating I'm sure, but I'm not sure it's relevant. It's perfectly possible to believe in a creator God and accept evolution as fact.

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