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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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Why do you believe in God ,you could be of any religion or faith , for what reason did you come to have that faith or what makes you believe in God ?

for me it is everything you see around you ie/ from flowers to the universe , the earth and how finely tuned it is with a protective shield , a water cycle ,Photosynthesis, the air we breath , nature etc these cause me to believe someone must have designed them . also the human mind how we have a capability to think beyond what we see , think beyond death and even think about this subject .

Well done to you for posting in a dark place

I don't believe in blind faith faith comes from reading the word

Interesting is psalm 83 is happening now having done a study names and places I think you may disagree with me but in weeks months and years coming watch that part of the world

Love in the Lord Jesus Peter

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Interesting. If you look at the worst of mankind you have adolf hitler that killed 6 million jews.


God is far superior he killed off the entire planet if you believe the bible. He is so moral and good we must follow him.


World War 2 showed how good the world was when we rose up against that tyrant. Now we have got rid of hitler. Isnt it about time we get rid of God.

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I agree and its also possible to believe in a creator that had nothing to do with religion as that's man made.


OK, here's a genuine question.


Why does it appear that the non-religious types on threads such as this are, on the whole, way more lucid than their opposite numbers?


There are obvious exceptions, such as alcresearch & janie, though even they are quite, shall we say, nebulous with regard to belief and faith, but the ones with the largest amount to say generally come across as incoherent nutters. Can anyone suggest a reason for this?

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OK, here's a genuine question.


Why does it appear that the non-religious types on threads such as this are, on the whole, way more lucid than their opposite numbers?


There are obvious exceptions, such as alcresearch & janie, though even they are quite, shall we say, nebulous with regard to belief and faith, but the ones with the largest amount to say generally come across as incoherent nutters. Can anyone suggest a reason for this?



Maybe the religious types have been brainwashed into religion and therefore cant accept any other belief. I remember some quote from the past that went something like "Give me a child under the age of 7 and I will make them a Catholic for life." Tis one of the reasons why I think religion should not be taught in mainstream schools. Children brainwashed into religion at an early age tend to stay with the same views as their parents for the rest of their life. In a sense faith gets drummed into them whether true or not and all the time that happens we will not change.


The trouble comes when you start asking question and expose the obvious failures and contradictions which can never be accepted by them, that then leads to intolerance.


All faiths seem to believe that theirs is the true faith and therefore they have the true God but the trouble with that is if there is more than one then the whole idea falls flat on its face. Something no faith is prepared to accept.

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Maybe the religious types have been brainwashed into religion and therefore cant accept any other belief. I remember some quote from the past that went something like "Give me a child under the age of 7 and I will make them a Catholic for life." Tis one of the reasons why I think religion should not be taught in mainstream schools. Children brainwashed into religion at an early age tend to stay with the same views as their parents for the rest of their life. In a sense faith gets drummed into them whether true or not and all the time that happens we will not change.


The trouble comes when you start asking question and expose the obvious failures and contradictions which can never be accepted by them, that then leads to intolerance.


All faiths seem to believe that theirs is the true faith and therefore they have the true God but the trouble with that is if there is more than one then the whole idea falls flat on its face. Something no faith is prepared to accept.


I didn’t, I rebelled and asked questions that surprisingly they couldn’t answer. I ended up convincing my parents that God didn’t exist. :)

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Why do you believe in God ,you could be of any religion or faith , for what reason did you come to have that faith or what makes you believe in God ?

for me it is everything you see around you ie/ from flowers to the universe , the earth and how finely tuned it is with a protective shield , a water cycle ,Photosynthesis, the air we breath , nature etc these cause me to believe someone must have designed them . also the human mind how we have a capability to think beyond what we see , think beyond death and even think about this subject .


IMO, i think religion all started out as a way of control and people where brain washed into the fear of god.

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Religious people tend to cherry pick from the Koran and Bible.


If they truly believed they would still have stonings in England and they wouldn`t care what the law was.


If you use the Bible/koran as a moral compass and cherry pick the good bits and ignore the bad then you do not truly believe.


Also if god had the foresight to wait 14 Billion years from creating the universe to creating Jesus why did he not wait the extra 2000 years so we could have filmed it and ended silly arguments.Was he just thick.

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