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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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OK, here's a genuine question.


Why does it appear that the non-religious types on threads such as this are, on the whole, way more lucid than their opposite numbers?


There are obvious exceptions, such as alcresearch & janie, though even they are quite, shall we say, nebulous with regard to belief and faith, but the ones with the largest amount to say generally come across as incoherent nutters. Can anyone suggest a reason for this?

Try reading proverbs then psalms

There are some very cleaver people on Sheffield forum who write well constructed and educated posts

The rich the powerful and arrogant are never going to get God's plan along with a lot of caring and sensitive good folk. Goodness is not righteousness

Jesus model life was not fiction

Jesus is not fiction he is not made up either we deal with this or sweep it under the carpet.

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How do you know this?

Ok there are two routes you can go one is getting to know God and Jesus through the bible and I am way ahead of you on your many objections but I would state that reason would still get you there

So the argument for a historical Jesus not existing, it would be very interesting if anyone what's to nail there colours to the mast. It would not hold water. You would have to dismiss a whole bunch of historical people we take for granted all the emperors of the period and many events before and afterwards

Good luck though

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Try reading proverbs then psalms

There are some very cleaver people on Sheffield forum who write well constructed and educated posts

The rich the powerful and arrogant are never going to get God's plan along with a lot of caring and sensitive good folk. Goodness is not righteousness

Jesus model life was not fiction

Jesus is not fiction he is not made up either we deal with this or sweep it under the carpet.


I rest my case.

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Ok there are two routes you can go one is getting to know God and Jesus through the bible and I am way ahead of you on your many objections but I would state that reason would still get you there

So the argument for a historical Jesus not existing, it would be very interesting if anyone what's to nail there colours to the mast. It would not hold water. You would have to dismiss a whole bunch of historical people we take for granted all the emperors of the period and many events before and afterwards

Good luck though


Didn't you fancy answering his question?

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Try reading proverbs then psalms


Why, who wrote them, when and with what agenda?



So the argument for a historical Jesus not existing, it would be very interesting if anyone what's to nail there colours to the mast. It would not hold water. You would have to dismiss a whole bunch of historical people we take for granted all the emperors of the period and many events before and afterwards

Good luck though


Unfortunate turn of phrase there :D


A historical Jesus probably did exist....whether his body is brought back into being every Sunday by a load of people gibbering some Latin over a wafer is an entirely different prospect and tends to distance logical, sensible people from that whole "religion" malarcky.


After all, if religious people can believe in something so way out, so supernatural and so beyond reality, is there any point in regarding them as anything other than mentally ill, or deluded at best?

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