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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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Is it not a closed minded view when looking at logic and reason someone would still believe in a god with absolutely no proof at all?


Why would a god wait 14 billion years to create man?

If he was all powerful why would he have to wait for planets to form.


Why out of the hundreds of billions of galaxies with hundreds of trillions of planets would he choose a tiny little planet called earth.


You only have to look at the Hubble deep field picture.Possibly the most amazing picture ever taken to see how much is out there.


Also who created god?


OMG no, not another sermon.:help:

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I have no wish to address such an opinion,if people choose to believe that anyone who has a belief in God is mentally ill and deluded then as far as i'm concerned its a closed topic

Taxman was questioning transubstantiation - that by eating a piece of bread it turns into the body of Christ.


Unless you're Catholic, then you'll reject the idea too. Surely? Most protestant churches thought it silly by 1600, and it's still silly.

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I have no wish to address such an opinion,if people choose to believe that anyone who has a belief in God is mentally ill and deluded then as far as i'm concerned its a closed topic,and they're can be nothing to discuss with someone who holds such a closed minded view of so many people.


Why not? I'm sure that, if you gave Taxman a little teeny bit of evidence to suggest he's wrong, he would re-assess his opinion.


I certainly would.

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If you don't wish to find God your heart will already be hardened, there is always a way back

The bible answer all these questions

God wants to reward. That asks many other questions. If you want to find out where do you go?

Maybe in your heart you have made a start and set off on that road

The simple reply to say religious people avoid questions but it's God's wisdom that see into peoples hearts, seek and ye shall find


Hi borderline. Thanks for providing more evidence to back up my earlier point but, my question was: why is the whole message of the bible that few will understand it. Do you fancy answering that question?


Also, see below.

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there is always a way back


How do you know?


God wants to reward.


How do you know?


it's God's wisdom that see into peoples hearts


How do you know?



Seriously, borderline. I am genuinely interested in how you know these things to be true. Did God tell you? Did your research prove them to be so? Did somebody else tell you? Come on, how do you know?

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Taxman was questioning transubstantiation - that by eating a piece of bread it turns into the body of Christ.


Unless your Catholic, then you'll reject the idea too. Surely? Most protestant churches thought it silly by 1600, and it's still silly.


Well the protestant churches got it right then according to your definition,though last time i attended a protestant church they're were quite a few people receiving the blessed communion bread.

As for that symbolic act (that represents the last supper before Jesus was executed) being silly, as an atheist you are bound to think that and you are welcome to that opinion,but i don't share it, and i don't consider myself to be mentally ill and deluded.

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Well the protestant churches got it right then according to your definition,though last time i attended a protestant church they're were quite a few people receiving the blessed communion bread.

As for that symbolic act (that represents the last supper before Jesus was executed) being silly, as an atheist you are bound to think that and you are welcome to that opinion,but i don't share it, and i don't consider myself to be mentally ill and deluded.


If you are wrong, which I think you are, then you are indeed deluded.


This is not an insult, as it is often taken to be, but merely a matter of fact.


We are all deluded about many things, and when we are we obviously don't consider ourselves deluded. We are of course then deluded about not being deluded.


With this in mind, and knowing my own limitations, I think it is safest to live one's life with the words of Hume in my signature below.



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Ok there are two routes you can go one is getting to know God and Jesus through the bible and I am way ahead of you on your many objections but I would state that reason would still get you there

So the argument for a historical Jesus not existing, it would be very interesting if anyone what's to nail there colours to the mast. It would not hold water. You would have to dismiss a whole bunch of historical people we take for granted all the emperors of the period and many events before and afterwards

Good luck though


I asked how YOU know that Jesus' life was not fictional. Are you saying it's because you read it in a book?


I am way ahead of you on your many objections

My many objections? What are those then, I haven't posted any.

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protestant church they're were quite a few people receiving the blessed communion bread.

Indeed, but some people believe that it actually turns into the flesh of a dead man when you swallow it. That's the nutty bit.

As for that symbolic act (that represents the last supper before Jesus was executed) being silly, as an atheist you are bound to think that

I don't see eating a piece of bread as specifically silly. No sillier than any other part of worship. It's theatre to a degree. I went to a Christian school, a methodist school. I remember drinking holy Ribena. ;)

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